I don’t see why not.
The “peak surge” is for accessories that create a spike in draw, when they start. Don’t load it to that level.
What type of foods do you cook in your air fryer on your semi-truck?
Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by expedite_it, Jan 21, 2023.
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Batteries are direct current(DC), so your power/draw is flowing one direction, away from the battery bank, toward your inverter or fuse panel, whichever side of the battery bank you’re on. The inverter and fuse panel are each on their own circuits. You’re not crossing over, back and forth, or through the battery bank, if that makes sense.mpow66m Thanks this. -
Glad I get paid enough to be able to eat without having to cook in my truck.
Brettj3876 and Speedy356 Thank this. -
JC1971 Thanks this.
Sirscrapntruckalot Thanks this.
I’d probably recommend a similar model. This way you have plenty of headroom for even more future accessory items. Also, it allows the inverter to have additional headroom, so it’s not being run at max capacity.
Do you have a local dealership you or your company work with? If so, I’d check and see what they have available.mpow66m Thanks this. -
hope not dumb twucker, tscottme, Sirscrapntruckalot and 3 others Thank this.
Brettj3876 and ducnut Thank this.
ducnut Thanks this.
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