whats everyone driving?

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by irishlad, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. irishlad

    irishlad Light Load Member

    May 18, 2010
    East Orlando, Fl
    Bump ..its been a while since I asked ..seriously thinking about making the call to get in ..whats everyone driving and whats the availability of auto shifts for newbies?
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  3. nochin

    nochin Medium Load Member

    May 4, 2014
    Danville, Va
    I will let you know on the 30th. Hopefully will get an auto evolution but if not will wait till my 90 day and then upgrade
    irishlad Thanks this.
  4. realdesertkickin

    realdesertkickin Heavy Load Member

    Nov 18, 2013
    Tustoned Arizona
    I just hopped into a 84 Mack!! 2 Shifters !! What the hay!!
    Cold a/c, radio works, paid well, impossible to get sleepy driving...
    Hatin you boys rollin in them new trucks!!! Autoshift? Lol, If i gotta sit on a luxurious couch not shifting for 10 hours, im gonna nap!! Prolly a good thing I know my place and have my groove!!!
    Them rumble strips are not alarm clocks!!!!!
    BJnobear Thanks this.
  5. irishlad

    irishlad Light Load Member

    May 18, 2010
    East Orlando, Fl
    one in every bunch! never fails
    Jarhed1964 and Ssand Man Thank this.
  6. Buckie64

    Buckie64 Bobtail Member

    Jul 19, 2015
    That 90 day thing is BS. I'm been asking for a truck since 11/2014 well after my 90 days the 2013 t 660 sucks can't even get up hill with an MTY trailer. And Jack has the same answer every time no trucks. So he will lie to you.abd then I run into drivers been here less time then me and got new truck after they did their 90 day and didn't like the truck they were in so what's up with that I asked still no answer from jack.
  7. Blue02celi

    Blue02celi Road Train Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    Melbourne, FL
    when I went thru in sept, there were about 14 of us (2 teams), when it was time to pick trucks, they only had 5, none were new, they sent a bunch of us out to do recoveries, my 2nd recovery I was able to keep, new evolution, manual, less than 40k miles on it. think its a hit or miss of them having new stuff in the yard, half the time i pass thru i dont see any available, then the next time a few are sitting around. just luck of the draw it seems. was lucky enough to get a truck with an apu i guess since i wasnt going to accept one without it, tho that also meant i didnt get a bunk heater lol. I dunno who picks the setups of these trucks but I don't think they've spent much time in them
  8. MachoCyclone

    MachoCyclone Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    If your truck as the Carrier Comfort Pro APU, yes there is no bunk heater as the heater and a/c is on the APU itself. The only trucks that I know of that have a seperate bunk heater are the ones with the TK TriPac APUs.
  9. Blue02celi

    Blue02celi Road Train Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    Melbourne, FL
    the comfort pro, or, mine anyway, sucks ###, it never kept the truck warm at night, i would wake up and it would be blowing cold air into the sleeper, even after being checked out at the shop, same thing when the summer came around, ac didnt work either tho they did replace the compressor, now it works when it wants to. also hate the fact you get no power from the outlets unless the apu is running, and that it runs on its own, whether the truck is on or not.
  10. I'm in a 2014 Cascadia Evolution that I'm turning in with 245,000 miles on it. I averaged 7.8 to 8.1 life of the truck, 10 speed running in the 55-60 mph range. It was the only way to salvage any type of paycheck while the fuel prices kept dropping. Anyway, best of luck. Jct is great for what it is. They pay a lot, empty miles, reefer fuel, tolls, scales, lumpers. The reason I'm leaving is that I'm not making enough money to have a life outside of the truck. I used to make good checks, I make less now than I did last year, I don't like seeing my checks go down. Like I said, great company...they're great for what they offer.
  11. irishlad

    irishlad Light Load Member

    May 18, 2010
    East Orlando, Fl
    looking to leave in 30 days around or before june 1st ..looking for new udated info as I havent asked in a while

    whats being issued for new drivers?
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