What's out there for a new guy?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by ohandy1, May 29, 2021.

  1. ohandy1

    ohandy1 Bobtail Member

    May 29, 2021
    So I'm new to trucking, but I've run my own businesses before. (I'm old enough to count the cost) I've been chasing rabbit trails trying to learn the best (really just shortest) route to o/o status and I'm leaning towards leasing on with a self-dispatched carrier. Not trying to build a trucking empire, just want to dispatch myself. Trouble is I'm new to my CDL and that limits my options. I'm not sure I have an option and that's why I'm posting; looking for what I don't know yet.

    My income requirements are what it takes to maintain the business, my bills are covered. I don't plan on working for free, but I'm not looking for the pie in the sky either. My expectations are rational. My hope is to more than replace my wife's income so she can quit, eventually.

    I can suck it up and drive company for another 7-8 months and round out my year, but the lure of being self-directed is a huge draw for me, and I'd like to go solo so jumping ship is in my future anyway. I'm not looking for a company lease, I'm looking at a transferable lease like TEL or SFI. Perhaps something I haven't found yet. I know about USA Truck, Schneider, and Landstar. They all have potential, but hiring regions and experience are a problem.

    I'm not really impatient to jump, but as I'm sitting (for 12 hrs) because my weekend dm can't deal with a canceled load I have to wonder how I could do worse dispatching for myself. Nothing better to do than find a replacement company.

    I know a lot of companies are posting experience requirements yet hiring well below given the shortage of drivers. I'm wondering if this applies to O/O and L/O too.

    thanks for reading
    Farmerbob1 Thanks this.
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  3. slow.rider

    slow.rider Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2017
    I had less than stated minimum experience when I joined Landstar, but some of what I did have was o/o self dispatch. What area are you in?
    Jarhed1964 Thanks this.
  4. ohandy1

    ohandy1 Bobtail Member

    May 29, 2021

    florida. north of tampa. I'm content to drive otr and currently stay out for 3 weeks.
  5. slow.rider

    slow.rider Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2017
    Those companies aren't hiring from there?
  6. ohandy1

    ohandy1 Bobtail Member

    May 29, 2021
    usa truck's website has crazy small hiring areas. Jacksonville is one, but I'm near 200 miles from there. Landstar is most appealing to me so far but they want a year (and a day). Schneider looks like 6 mo which isn't so far off.
    slow.rider Thanks this.
  7. slow.rider

    slow.rider Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2017
    Hmm, might want to call USA and ask what the deal is.
  8. slow.rider

    slow.rider Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2017
    I'll also note that if you get a cancelled load on a holiday weekend at Landstar, your odds are mediocre. It''s still possible, mainly via load alerts. A click-and-go system might be your best bet in a situation like that. But Landstar system is most similar to the public boards.
  9. JSanborn103

    JSanborn103 Medium Load Member

    Jan 20, 2021
    You just got your cdl and are becoming an O/O?

    Question for o/o’s- is that a bad idea? I’m wondering this myself

    edit: I’m not new, but am considering getting my own truck soon
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
    Reason for edit: Clarity
  10. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Drive for a couple years first.
  11. RunningAces

    RunningAces Road Train Member

    Jul 2, 2017
    Getting one year in will open doors to lease on at most the big places if that's the way you want to go. It will also make insurance much cheaper if you get your MC.
    slow.rider and Dino soar Thank this.
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