What's out there for a new guy?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by ohandy1, May 29, 2021.

  1. Siinman

    Siinman Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2017
    Kansas City, MO.
    Nothing wrong with it if you have an understanding on how to run a business. Driving the truck is the easy part if you have any skills at all.
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  3. Siinman

    Siinman Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2017
    Kansas City, MO.
    If you have the money just go get your MC and do it yourself. No reason to give money away if you can manage it all yourself.
    Brettj3876 and Tug Toy Thank this.
  4. SteveScott

    SteveScott Road Train Member

    Nov 10, 2015
    Learn the ropes for at least a couple years before taking the plunge. Better to beat up somebody else's equipment than your own. Save your money and buy a used rig and trailer. Too many horror stories on here from drivers trapped in a company lease.
  5. HillbillyDeluxeTruck

    HillbillyDeluxeTruck Road Train Member

    Mar 3, 2013
    San Antone
    I'd like to see the OP post up about what trucks he's looking at, what he thinks his operating costs are going to be, if he has any clue how to work on a truck or what repair costs can be.

    I think this is a huge issue in the trucking industry. Guys just buy a truck thinking "all I gotta do is run the freight, how hard is that?" They buy some pos used up ex fleet emissions truck that breaks down on them 30-90 days in and they dont have the skillset to diagnose the issue, then take it to a dealer who charges them 5-8k for repairs and now they're broke, think" ok I can make this up, I just gotta run harder". Then another repair comes and they're stuck again.
  6. HillbillyDeluxeTruck

    HillbillyDeluxeTruck Road Train Member

    Mar 3, 2013
    San Antone
    And another thing. Has anyone looked at used truck prices? They're beyond retarded. Prices are up 30-50%.
  7. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Dispatching yourself? As in, finding, booking loads ? Then doing the paperwork aspect, as in billing etc ? Which means a lot of extra stuff to add to your daily driving etc. This will work, but only after you spend time finding and keeping a customer base. Luck to ya'
    Cattleman84 and Rideandrepair Thank this.
  8. roundhouse

    roundhouse Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    You can make good money driving someone else’s truck.
    Many places you can make $70-85-95k driving someone else’s truck. Where every expense related to the truck is their problem

    you really need to learn the business, what the expenses are etc before you jump in as an o/o

    buying the truck is the easy part. driving the truck is the easy part.

    finding the customers is the hard part.
    If you just get your loads off the load boards the brokers are going to make more money for answering the phone and clicking the keyboard than you will make driving your life away.

    can you handle the minor repairs and troubleshooting yourself ?
    If you have to get a road service or a tow truck to the dealership every time something goes wrong , you won’t survive.
    The repair bills and the lost revenue from the downtime will kill you. the lost revenue is almost always more than the repair bill .
    But with the late model trucks , and all their computer crap and emission junk, are NOT reliable. And will eat you alive with repairs and downtime .
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  9. Link15

    Link15 Bobtail Member

    May 30, 2021
    I am also interested in leasing out my 2014 freightliner columbia semi truck. I have my own authority but can no longer drive the truck. How can I pay a driver, pay the truck note, pay myself and other necessary expenses?
    gekko1323 Thanks this.
  10. roundhouse

    roundhouse Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    You can’t

    after you pay the truck expenses
    And pay the driver and pay the insurance etc and the repairs and maintenance you won’t have any money left .
    Big Road Skateboard Thanks this.
  11. SophiaWYO

    SophiaWYO Light Load Member

    Nov 22, 2020
    I'll offer my .02 here for you. Trucking is a very diverse business. Drivers haul everything from paper to nuclear waste and beyond. Define what level of physical activity you are comfortable and capable with. Vans and reefer drivers have it pretty easy because they swing doors and drive. Flatbed and open deck drivers have to chain, strap and sometimes tarp loads...then drive. People who haul livestock have to learn about the commodity and the risks associated with that. Tanker yankers have to hook and un-hook fittings, hoses, etc.

    Once you have an idea what commodity you are going to haul for yourself go find a job doing that for someone else and keep the numbers (receipts) on the tractor and trailer like you own it. Learn the business side of what makes a successful business owner and absorb as much information as you can.
    Remember: to become a successful O/O, driving the truck becomes secondary to operating the business.

    Personally I'm not much of a "trucker".... more of a businesswoman. Make decisions on things you experience, not what you heard in a truck stop. We all know every story starts with " WELL I HEARD"....... Personally I could care less what YOU heard, that's not what I experienced, any they could be completely opposite things from the same source for that matter.

    Ask intelligent questions, try your best not to offend people, communicate using business acumen-oriented language and your income will start to reflect it.

    Best of luck,

    Be safe,

    O/O of many moons.
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