Whats up with 62 mph?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by streetmaster, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    My truck has no speed limiting on it.

    I drove the speed limit when I first got it. I kept records of the maintenance and fuel used.

    When it got high the last time, I slowed down as an experiment. I learned that when I did this, my cost dropped dramatically.

    Lower fuel cost.
    Tires lasted longer, since they were not getting hot.
    Parts lasted longer, less wear and tear.

    Personally, I do not care if others drive faster or not. I used to think like them, but now I operate my vehicle smartly. It is my choice as they have their own if they operate a non fleet truck.
    ironpony and FLATBED Thank this.
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  3. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Ya I know the slower the trk the better the fuel as well as useing the cruise control.But the reason Brock the owner had the trks governed is because of too many idiot drivers getting speeding tickets.Last January and officer issued 4 speeding tickets in one day.So I can't blame him for governing the trks.The OTR trks are 65.
  4. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    I have not had a speeding ticket since 1974.
  5. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Good for you.Last ticket I got for speeding was 7 yrs ago and was'nt even speeding.That officer clocked a car passing me but you know how Ohio just loves trks so he felt like picking on me instead.The slowest trk ive drove for 5 yrs was 70 mph and now im driving a 60 mph trk but with the swinging meat and the hills im average about 45 mph coming back.
  6. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    I think if someone wants to drive 62 for awhile, or even 55 for awhile, it is one thing. That person won't generally be a roadblock hazard, because they can and will pump it up a bit to get the passing done when needed. But I believe there is merit to the opinion that a truck, or car, should absolutely have to be able to do the speed limit to be on that particular road. Not saying a vehicle has to do the speed limit. Just that it should be able to.
  7. truckermario

    truckermario Road Train Member

    Sep 24, 2006
    "Is it cause its actually more stressful being passed all the time?"

    Um... Durr... Nope. I'm actually pretty relaxed driving slow and practicing the stone in the stream method.

    And my fuel bill is awesome.:biggrin_2559:
  8. skellr

    skellr Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    The Village, Portmeirion
    62 is the magic speed that prevents one from getting a ticket. Construction zone ahead? No problem a long a you hold 62.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    Heard a SUPERTRUCKER cry on the CB when he passed a slower company truck , " THATS THE 4th TIME I PASSED THAT TURTLE TODAY ", reply from the other driver " Yet I was still ahead of you AGAIN :)"
  10. dude6710

    dude6710 Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2010
    Honestly that happens all the time when I drove 63mph. :biggrin_2559:
  11. xFreeWord420x

    xFreeWord420x Light Load Member

    Mar 10, 2012
    Leetonia, Ohio
    If it makes you feel any better, he wasn't picking on you. The older style laser radar guns did that.. now that have these new bad ### guns, they can shoot up to 2500 feet..
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