What's up with the poor quality of all these mega carrier cdl apprenticeships?

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by mud-flap1999, May 3, 2024.

  1. mud-flap1999

    mud-flap1999 Bobtail Member

    Feb 11, 2023
    Yup, this guy had an ego. Very inconsistent way of explaining things and when he made corrections his lack of emotional control made it difficult for him to properly communicate.

    I knew it was gonna be a bad day when he told us it was him and his wife's anniversary and he doesn't know how she's tolerated him for so long. Like, im here to drive a truck not be your therapist. And he had an issue with always putting his hands on me, either grasping my shoulders or pushing me trying to explain something. Very touchy weird guy
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  3. mud-flap1999

    mud-flap1999 Bobtail Member

    Feb 11, 2023
    Far from, but i finally understood the concept of "getting under it" and not jack knifing it. And making corrections before you're too far gone. I would of preferred to have been taught that in the truck the first time.
    Numb Thanks this.
  4. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Bud A., expedite_it, TB John and 7 others Thank this.
  5. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
    I don't really care what someone says because words are cheap however don't touch me or enter my personal space.
    Last edited: May 4, 2024
    mud-flap1999 Thanks this.
  6. mwonch

    mwonch Light Load Member

    Dec 3, 2014
    San Antonio, TX
    It's called buttonhook because of the shape of a real buttonhook tool.

    I'm surprised to see so many have never heard of it. It's a common maneuver, mainly for right turns. Before the turn, swing wider left and hook into the turn. Done for very tight corners (cities/towns, tiny paths we shouldn't but still can take, a bum laying on the curb of that corner, etc). I know we've ALL done it. It's usually discouraged because most cannot master it. They usually end up with a 4-wheeler squeezed tight on the right side (meaning, left too much room while doing the maneuver). In many jurisdictions that turn is illegal, even if there is no other way to make the turn and the only way into where we're going.
  7. mwonch

    mwonch Light Load Member

    Dec 3, 2014
    San Antonio, TX
  8. Ex-Trucker Alex

    Ex-Trucker Alex Heavy Load Member

    Jan 7, 2023
    ####! Doesn't anybody know these classic terms anymore? Like:
    Johnson bar
    Mansfield bar
    Chicken coop
    Blind side
    Covered wagon
    Maxi brake

    Never heard the 'belly robber" before. Short-thumbing is under-weighing, so that you pull more than you are getting paid for, or may even be legal. Narrow-nose Pete's are getting kinda old by now...
    Some of these things are/were regional, too. We used to call the troopers "Five-oh", or "Po-po"...

    And, another regional term; in NJ, a "jug handle" is a type of intersection where in order to make a left at a crossroad from a multi-lane road, you have to take a small exit on the right, where you will make your left turn onto the crossroad some distance BEFORE the big intersection, usually with a light .
    88 Alpha and Numb Thank this.
  9. gentleroger

    gentleroger Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    Jug handle turns are where traffic exits onto a slip road to make the left.

    Button hooks the truck takes the lane to the left before entering intersection.

    Whomever made that illustration is very misinformed.
  10. Dennixx

    Dennixx Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2010
    twin cities
    I recall a thread here long ago that was titled how to make a r. hand turn.
    At that point I was a 35 year driver and posted the correct way is any way that allows completion without hitting or damaging anything.
    If I recall I got torched because others thought there is only one way proper and legal to make your right hand turn.
    In 92 I got on full time with UPS after working temporary with them and had to take an official road test.
    The tester told me of the button hook turn method with a set of pups.
    This method works fine with pups but with a long wheelbase tractor and a 53' trlr, depending on the tandems placement, does not work as well.
    There are 2 methods to buttonhook and one is considered a jug handle turn.
    Button has you staying in the right lane completely and the jug handle has you swinging into the left lane prior to the turn.
    Bud A. and Lonesome Thank this.
  11. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
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