What's UPSF training like?

Discussion in 'UPS/UPSF' started by lfod14, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. lfod14

    lfod14 Road Train Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    I'd say I'm at the 98% hired mark. I've interviewed, done my road test, re-cert'd my med card, drug test, and done all my I-9, Direct Deposit type stuff and now just waiting for the call to start. I've got LTL/P&D experience already. I assume being UPSF there's a structured training program to learn their specific ways? Last LTL job it was basically 2 days with another driver to learn their handheld, then day 3 got keys thrown at me they weren't too good anything they did (NEMF) surprise! LOL. Then went to flatbed deliveries for a couple years. Can't wait to make a dick out of myself with pups.... stupid pups!
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  3. LtlAnonymous

    LtlAnonymous Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2016
    lfod14 Thanks this.
  4. lfod14

    lfod14 Road Train Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    Will do, just TODAY got the call to be at the terminal next Wed to start orientation. Officially the longest hiring process I've ever gone through. I know they can be way worse than this so at least I got in!
    LtlAnonymous Thanks this.
  5. LtlAnonymous

    LtlAnonymous Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2016
    Oh yeah. They take their time. Lol
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