Where do most truckers park their trailers???

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by GelatoJP, Sep 22, 2023.

  1. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    To follow up on the above --

    Just after you get your kingpin lock -- I would also photograph it with your cellphone -- while the lock is still within its original packaging.

    With these photos -- you can later show your employer the exact make/model kingpin you've been using.

    Thus -- they would later also know you bought quality, well-made stuff.

    This sort of info would further bolster your defense -- if the need for such should later come to fruition. :confused:

    -- L
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  3. SoulScream84

    SoulScream84 Road Train Member

    Mar 21, 2020
    Man I gotta ask, how did it cost half a mil?
  4. JPSneed

    JPSneed Bobtail Member

    Dec 26, 2023
    Austin TX
    Ah, Parking – Everyone's Favorite Challenge in Trucking! I wholeheartedly agree with the suggestions already mentioned. Additionally, I'd like to recommend the mobile app TruckerPath. It's an invaluable resource for locating available truck spaces, predominantly at truck stops. This app, at least in the past, offered a particularly user-friendly feature for this purpose.

    Diving a bit deeper, I want to share a strategy I've employed for my rental trailers, especially in areas where I don't have access to a dedicated yard. Have you considered approaching the service shop that maintains your truck for occasional parking? This approach can be surprisingly effective. While you might have to pay a nominal fee, it often turns out to be much more cost-effective compared to shelling out over $150 monthly at standard truck parking facilities.

    Another avenue worth exploring is reaching out to local schools, churches, or businesses that are accessible from the highway and might benefit from some additional income. Many are open to the idea of offering weekend parking for a reasonable fee, say around $50 per month. This can be a win-win situation, offering you a parking solution at a fraction of the usual cost while supporting the local community.
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