Alot of the garmin avionics even retrofits have synthetic vision and can put the mind at ease vs pure instrument flight . As far a mechanical failure it can happen to anyone , find an excellent mechanic to do your annuals and be anal on preflight, walk slow and check everything .
Where is everyone #5
Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by DDlighttruck, Aug 27, 2017.
Page 20737 of 20820
blairandgretchen, dwells40, cke and 6 others Thank this.
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dwells40, cke, singlescrewshaker and 8 others Thank this.
So did Wrench see her first snow?cke, beastr123, singlescrewshaker and 6 others Thank this. -
OLDSKOOLERnWV, Sons Hero, exhausted379 and 15 others Thank this. -
Sons Hero, Isafarmboy, cke and 8 others Thank this.
Well a guy spoke to soon ! We hit flurries from east of El paso all the way to az. Wasn't to bad at all . Mostly wet roads. Nobody wrecked and had the road shutdown so I will call it a win.
New mexico got me for 30 bucks because someone in the office forgot to file my nm fuel permit . I forgot NM is the f u pay me state.. enjoy our bumpy ### roadsblairandgretchen, dwells40, cke and 7 others Thank this. -
exhausted379, blairandgretchen, dwells40 and 9 others Thank this.
Oregon got me for the fuel tax permit when I went out there the first week having my new truck. She was nice and wrote me a warning and told me to get it figured out before I leave. Forgot it was needed since I only go to Oregon like every 3-4 years. Said if I got caught again it was $440 ticket.blairandgretchen, cke, singlescrewshaker and 9 others Thank this. -
When your customer says… I’ll find you a place to park so I can buy you dinner. And he did just that, for myself as well as my grandson who was helping me today….
Friend, exhausted379, blairandgretchen and 18 others Thank this. -
cke, singlescrewshaker and Feedman Thank this.
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