Hot peppers cure all
A shame of a situation. Just mom's being mom.. Sad state though, she can't fix what dad and son don't see as broken.
Where is everyone #5
Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by DDlighttruck, Aug 27, 2017.
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I know I should be the bigger person but I can't see that happening right now. Dad could come back and we would overlook the incident but I wouldn't trust his son now to do his job or... ..keep his word.
Okay off to church maybe the Lord will have a piece of advice.Sons Hero, singlescrewshaker, cke and 10 others Thank this. -
Don't you just wish you lived in a land with no dangerous animals? Apart from the 2 legged kind obviously. As I have mentioned I used to live in Australia, surely the most dangerous place on the planet, but now I swim in my pond most days and my companions are all benign, snakes, frogs, toads, newts, water boatmen. I love 'em all but they are scared to death of gentle old me. I cry 'please don't swim away, I'm your friend', but you can't see them for ripples.
Gatordude, singlescrewshaker, cke and 5 others Thank this. -
Sons Hero, CAXPT, OLDSKOOLERnWV and 7 others Thank this.
"I felt something bite me and then it felt like my leg was on fire. I stripped off my walking shorts and saw it trying to run away. I caught it in my drink cup and folded over the top to keep him contained. It was a long fing ride to the ER"
That is his story. The police officer was going to detain him until he saw the spider. His story changed then. (You can't run around in your BVDs on the beach in NC it seems.)
It was some other officer that drove the bobtail to the hospital parking lot. (And then drove him to the hotel.)
They have taken good care of him through this.Last edited: Jan 13, 2025
For a long time I've eyed the abandoned RR tracks on the north side of 90 on Homestake Pass.
Something about old tracks I find neat. Just a link to the history of a place. I had plenty of time today, so I swung into the rest area and walked a bit.
And yeah, I know I shouldn't have.
The old box with a treestand attached (i know it's not actually a treestand, but it'd make a dahm neat one) was pretty cool, as were the logs in the tunnel.
I had what was either a marten or weasel cross the tracks in front of me. It hopped up on a rock and just stood there about 15 seconds looking at me. Solid white, what looked like a squirrel length tail. He took off before I could get a pic
Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
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