Get better.
Hope I didn't get that or Covid. Did Jury Duty yesterday and at one point was sitting next to some Indian that was sniffling and when I looked over he had baggy gloves on his hands....was wondering where his mask was. Got cut at the end of the day so didn't have to serve on the panel, but go figure, woke up sick as crap today, and I was planning on getting the RSV my Primary care physician didn't have it there so just got the non-Covid flu shot. Then this jerk wad doesn't understand enough English in the instructions to stay home if you're sick and reschedule.
Where is everyone #5
Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by DDlighttruck, Aug 27, 2017.
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Sons Hero, CAXPT, Big Road Skateboard and 7 others Thank this.
Parked under a full moon.
West texas always has a weird smell to it.
Sons Hero, CAXPT, Big Road Skateboard and 7 others Thank this. -
CAXPT, singlescrewshaker, Big Road Skateboard and 8 others Thank this.
sawmill, CAXPT, singlescrewshaker and 5 others Thank this.
Koolpak from riverside commiefornia folds . Ryder repoing trucks.
CAXPT, singlescrewshaker, Big Road Skateboard and 3 others Thank this. -
Seems purty fun to me, but sure ain't got much for comparison..
New stuff sucks -
I'm figuring 575 or so.CAXPT, singlescrewshaker, Big Road Skateboard and 6 others Thank this. -
CAXPT, singlescrewshaker, Feedman and 5 others Thank this.
OLDSKOOLERnWV, CAXPT, singlescrewshaker and 6 others Thank this.
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