Where to go with waste questions?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Justmom, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Justmom

    Justmom Light Load Member

    Oct 11, 2012
    My town has a serious shortage of trash collectors. I haven't had pick up at my house in over a year. (I take it somewhere by the way.) We have the old man who has always done it- he is full and can't take anyone new. I've been waiting years on him. He uses an old pick up with side boards.

    We also have Area, which I don't like and nobody else likes either.

    We used to have a competitor, who was bought out by area, and that's who did most of the trash in my neighborhood.

    I did real estate trash-outs with my kids for about seven years. I was thinking about buying them an old pick up to haul mine and the neighbors trash down to the landfill (10 miles) a few days a week. They've cleaned up the grossest of the gross in foreclosures.

    Last census we had about 6000 people here in town.

    I'm in southern Illinois. Who do I ask about the legalities?
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  3. roadlt

    roadlt Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Hughson, California
    I would look for an attorney, from your state, that handles business and environmental laws.
    Justmom Thanks this.
  4. roadlt

    roadlt Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Hughson, California
    If nothing else, they would get you pointed in the right direction.
    Justmom Thanks this.
  5. roadlt

    roadlt Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Hughson, California
    Hopefully, your state is not as tightly regulated and controlled by environmental whacks like California. If they had a trash situation like yours here in California, you would get a bunch of nuts with multi colored hair, chewing on trees and walking around with protest signs.
  6. Casual Trucker

    Casual Trucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    I would buy me a membership with this membership company it cost a bout $50 /month they can guide you through the legal mumbo Jumbo of the state you want to start your business in we use them and they have a lot to offer.
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