who are these guys that use channel 6?

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by truckerdave1970, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. truckerdave1970

    truckerdave1970 On Probation

    Dec 15, 2008
    Rochester, NY
    And have terrible sounding radios that splatter all the way across the cb radio channels? They sound like idiots, repeating the same senseless phrases over and over again.
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  3. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida
    SADLY ....

    They are so illegal that they are almost untouchable. HERE the Tampa office years ago busted one with 10,000 watts ..... They are not a credit to CB or any other radio service. I'm not against having fun but not if it is causing others problems.
    truckerdave1970 Thanks this.
  4. truckerdave1970

    truckerdave1970 On Probation

    Dec 15, 2008
    Rochester, NY
    Unbelievable! 10,000 Watts? That's just insane! Maybe i'm just jealous Because i don't have that kind of money. But if you need to broadcast with that much power because you have something very important to share with the rest of the world, than go buy your own radio station!
  5. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida
    Someone said they had a " SHOOT OUT " with some running 50,000 watts Now THAT's NUTS .....
  6. Mad Dog 20/20

    Mad Dog 20/20 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 31, 2010
    Skid Row

    That is consideered QRP by some who run Channel 6...lol.

    I have to semi agree with the original poster, the majority of the high powered stations are way over modulated and sound like crap (GI=GO).A handful of the big guns do take the time to set a clean station with amazing audio.I've heard a few with BBBC (Better than BBC) audio from the west coast.
  7. truckerdave1970

    truckerdave1970 On Probation

    Dec 15, 2008
    Rochester, NY
    But what's the point? I can use my cell phone to talk to anybody in the entire world and they can talk back to me and i can hear them!
    BTShepp, 86scotty and D.Tibbitt Thank this.
  8. Carolina Thunder

    Carolina Thunder Medium Load Member

    Jan 28, 2007
    Coeburn V.A.

    10 thousand watts would be considered a small radio on ch 6. Most of the heavy hitters run in excess of 100 thousand watts! When these guys say they are WORLD WIDE its because they have been heard around the world. Not all of the boys on 6 run radios that splatter the band,some of those who are clueless do but not the big dogs. Those guys run old ham radio transmitters with huge tube amplifiers that are for the most part built to be clean. those that do run those dirty sounding radios find that they don't get there names called because they sound so bad.

    Black Diamond is one of those dirty radio guys. He has been told over and over by guys on ch 6 to clean his act up but he never does and so the big boys don't really talk to him and he still does not know why!

    I think all of that stuff is stupid myself but make no mistake,those boys are serious about being heard on ch 6 and will spend what ever it takes to do so. I know of a few that have spent enough on there radio equipment that they could have bought a new vet,and that ain't no BS!
    Highwayman1224 and D.Tibbitt Thank this.
  9. Turbo-T

    Turbo-T Road Train Member

    May 31, 2009
    Channel 6 is known as the "superbowl channel".

    Yes on channel 6, especially during skip, you will hear people on there, mainly black people. They run tens of thousands of watts of power and big antennas on their Suburbans and such.

    Their name of the game is "more power" and "how far can this radio get out/who can hear me?". Unfortunately they also happen to bleed a cross several channels in doing so. So you can be on channel 9 and still hear them. That's one of the reasons why high power and linear amps are so frowned upon on the CB, is because of what goes on, on channel 6...and 7...and 8...and 9...and 5...and 4...and 3....and 2....and it's the same person who has managed to exceed past the bandwith.

    I believe some of them also compete in "keydown" competitions, in seeing who's got the biggest baddest radio. And yes sometimes they talk fast and with a bunch of gibberish. I don't know why, must just to be a nuisance to others.
  10. murph

    murph Light Load Member

    Jan 22, 2010
    When ch 6 gets too busy for them they also go to ch 11.
  11. Working Class Patriot

    Working Class Patriot Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2008
    Wherever and Whenever...
    Ok...My dad just got into ham radio....He has a hand held set that IIRC...has a max of 5 watts...
    To talk to other ham radio operators he uses the repeaters....so why does anyone on a ham set need more power (Other than someone wanting to talk to say Australia) to get out????
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