Who do I contact to report highway patrol?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Newdriver813, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. Newdriver813

    Newdriver813 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2023
    I felt like I was harassed by a state trooper and I really want to contact the FBI.

    Listen I don’t have a problem with racist, but I do have a problem with haters. If you want to be racist, that’s cool but you’re not gonna hate me.

    I may get more into details later in this thread, but for now I just really want to know who to contact for this “warning” that I got… that I never should have gotten.

    I wasn’t in the truck, but I passed these state troopers on my way home in the truck. When I got in my personal vehicle I knew they were there so I set my cruise control and the cops still pulled me over. And if I told you guys what they pulled me over for you would laugh.
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  3. Lumper Humper

    Lumper Humper Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2018
    Colorado Springs, CO
  4. Hawkeye72

    Hawkeye72 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    Might consider calling and talking to a lawyer. He would be able to help you better, and get body cam if needed. If they wear them and were on.
  5. JonJon78

    JonJon78 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2018
    Please give us more details, especially on how they are racist?
  6. Last Call

    Last Call Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Pretty sketchy on the info & details but yet you want us to believe your view point Hummmm
    You better do like @Hawkeye72 suggested and lawyer up
    4mer trucker, Feedman, BigR and 6 others Thank this.
  7. Newdriver813

    Newdriver813 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2023
    Do you think I care if you guys on this website believe me or not?

    But obviously this thread is exposing the type of people that post on here.
  8. Newdriver813

    Newdriver813 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2023
    I don’t care about racist people, I love racist. We get along good, I just don’t like undercover haters.
    Bean Jr. Thanks this.
  9. Last Call

    Last Call Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Mr. you come here asking for free advice and you got some good suggestions
    Now you want to insult the members that responded then you openly admit your leaving out details that makes some of us suspicious
    Personally when I started to read your original post I thought yeah here we go I got pulled over cause of my skin color then I read a-little further and thought this guy seems to present his case in a good manor maybe there’s something to this . Then you responded with your insults I’am going with my initial gut feeling
    You also need not worry about me being a undercover hater cause I’ll tell ya straight up straight to your face what I think for ya regardless of your race
    And Mr You start insulting people that offer advice I don’t care what race you are I don’t have any use for you
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    What was this alleged “warning” for?
    4mer trucker, BigR, JolliRoger and 3 others Thank this.
  11. Newdriver813

    Newdriver813 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2023
    I used my “wiper”. I know you guys won’t believe me, but there is literally nothing else to the story. In the middle of the day it had just stopped raining and I used my wiper and he said I’m not allowed to use my wiper if my headlights are not on.
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