who has work for CR england

Discussion in 'CR England' started by red machine, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. fawne

    fawne Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    CR England is a great company to train with. However you need to cross all your t's and dot all your i's or they will send you home. They want your paperwork complient and you need to be honest with them about everything. Don't even think about doing drugs or alcohaul or going to that nudie bar because they want you to be professional. They will ask you to leave if your conduct is not professional.

    I am getting my truck on monday. I will keep you posted.
    I found the teaching better than the first school I went to which was roadmaster.
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  3. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    Yea, CR England does an excellent job at teaching you all the info you need to know about driving a truck. Sleep habits, diet, exercise and many other habits you never dreamed of that make you a better driver.

    You need to turn at least 2500 miles per week to make the lease work. No, getting lost does not help your miles.

    Hey Carrot? Do you feel with the new e-logs that driving has become less stressful? IE DM's cant force miles on you when the e-log is showing you are out of time? I can remember back in 2007 when that was a concern with the company.
  4. carrot top

    carrot top Light Load Member

    Nov 19, 2007
    greenville, sc
    hey lovesthedrive, umm I don't mind the e logs but I think that the students should still do paper. good habits are hard to instill, and by haveing to flag change of duty...they would have to know exactly (within 50 miles) were they are. and they would have to keep track of their miles and hours of service.

    but to answer your question...i have always monitored my hours and let the dm keep me moving. when I would get short on hours or working off of recap hours I would let him know that i needed a load with some time on it to get caught up on hours. some times the dm might have us take a load that we don't have the hours to do but then swap off.
  5. jeepskate99

    jeepskate99 Road Train Member

    Most of the people who have worked for CRE can't afford internet anymore.
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