Why do you use echo?

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by BigBearNY, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Honey baked ham ??

    That's funny, they don't bake their hams.
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  3. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    And your point is, you sue the frequencies that are beneficial to you, I am a driver and use 11 meter channels in the truck.
  4. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Why would you sue the frequencies?
  5. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    I did just that to my Galaxy. When I got my Anytone AT 6666, I just left it alone. Its not to user friendly.
    LowBeam Thanks this.
  6. gummy bear

    gummy bear Light Load Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    I use echo on my radios because it's in the FMCSA regulations that anyone that drives a 300-series Pete need to have some chicken hauler echo in their radio when they're modulating going up and down the road.
  7. OldeSkool

    OldeSkool Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    New Hampshire
    Finally someone just said it.
    Speedy356 Thanks this.
  8. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    Those ol' freight haulers didn't take no back seat to the chicken haulers back in the day. I don't think anybody at Walmart ran less than 500 watts. 26.735......talked coast to coast when the conditions were right. Not to mention those ABF hands. It was fun back then.
    OldeSkool Thanks this.
  9. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Back when?

  10. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    And 90s, even into the early 2000s, but with the newer trucks and computers, the big amps started going away. By the time I retired in 2017, there were hardly any amps left and a lot of the drivers didn't even run a radio anymore. It was tough to get a good rf ground and get one to work half way decent. I had a pretty good setup for the Cascadia. There is still a thread on here I (I think its here) I started in search of a solution for the Cascadia. EDIT: Here it is, from 2014. Post # 33 has a few pictures. It was a long thread. Cascadia Antenna Solutions
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024 at 4:54 PM
  11. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    I'm with you on this, but I took my beater truck to work today and had to fill it and the aux tank up so it takes me about 15 miles off my route. I was going to listen to the radio to see what was going on, but as I was going to tune into 11 meters on my rig, some clown in a large car flew past me at nearly 80 mph, which was normal for that stretch of road. What wasn't is when he keyed down, he was so dirty I could hear him through my stereo, and he was at least 1/8 of a mile away.

    I pulled into loves to fill up, and I ended up with him right next to me, so I asked him what the hell did he have, he said he had a galaxy, which wasn't doing well, so he got himself a kicker. So I said I heard him after he passed me, and he said, "Yep, I know a lot of people complained about that ... I think it is a bad amp." So I asked him what he had, a Dave Made amp that was "modified." I ended it there because there was no use in telling him what he needed to clean it all up.

    But that wasn't the most weird part of my stop there. I went in to get my receipt for the fuel and I was in line, waiting, the girl and I were the only ones who spoke English, everyone else was either speaking Spanish or Ukrainian/Polish/Russian, and the eastern Europeans were all on the phone talking. She said she hates being back here, no one speaks English and she has to guess what they want all the time.
    Oxbow and gummy bear Thank this.
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