Why does it seem everyone hates brokers

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by griff843, Feb 26, 2018.

  1. JimmyTwoTimes

    JimmyTwoTimes Medium Load Member

    Aug 23, 2019
    Scotty nailed it. More and more our big enterprise level accounts don't just talk about OTP & OTD, they talk about EDI compliance and geo tracking compliance.
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  3. JimmyTwoTimes

    JimmyTwoTimes Medium Load Member

    Aug 23, 2019
    Well said. One additional note, most brokerages have some type of SOP regarding tracking (e.g. every load needs a call check x amount of time before pickup, once a day in transit, x amount of time before delivery). Sometimes team members can get their wires crossed internally which can result in more than one person reaching out to ask for a manual call check. It doesn't mean they have it out personally for the driver, it's just the nature of trying to keep things running smoothly.
    PPNLE Thanks this.
  4. 86scotty

    86scotty Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2017
    Another note here, kind of in the angry guy's favor, is that a lot of company drivers see their personal phone as private space. I understand that. I would rather have a company phone if I'm working for a company.

    I don't think very many owner operators think that way though. My personal phone is my business phone. Once you've got my number you can call text or email all you like and I'm OK with tracking because I turned it off as soon as I finish the load. But phone calls can be annoying and they aren't always necessary. A simple text message is something you can respond to as soon as you get a free moment without having to stop tarping a load to answer your phone, for instance.

    Also, I get repeat load offers through text from brokers all the time because it's a hands off way they can check my availability without interrupting me.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2024
  5. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    I find folks are about 50/50 on texting. We have it built into our phone system, so it's super easy for me to do. I honestly prefer it, because it allows me to reference back to what I've sent you, but some folks are weirdly squirrelly about it, and some offices we deal with (especially with a call-center setup) aren't equipped, or they don't encourage it. Not a huge deal, but I try to do everything I can to mitigate headaches for the guys I'm working with.
    Deere hunter, Ruthless and 86scotty Thank this.
  6. 86scotty

    86scotty Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2017
    You are definitely better than average. I don't offer the TQ'L's of the world to text me but small brokerages, repeat brokerages, people that are down to earth, etc.? I'll offer it.
    Deere hunter, Ruthless and PPNLE Thank this.
  7. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    We live in a world where everybody wants to know exactly when and where the junk they ordered online is at every step of the way up to arriving at their doorstep. Why? I dunno. They just do. It's expected to be that way.

    It's no different with commercial shipments. Maybe in that case though they do have a legitimate reasons to keep close tabs on things. Regardless that's the world we live in and those are the expectations.

    As a trucker whether you're an owner operator or a company driver your number one job and priority is or should be customer service. But some drivers tend to think it's all about them. You give the customer what they want with a smile or somebody else gladly will. That's just how it goes. Nobody cares that you claim to be or even are Johnny on the spot. Lots aren't and that's what's assumed about everyone fairly or not. Just give the customer what they want or they will go elsewhere.

    I never liked calls in the middle of my breaks either. The easy solution to that is to turn the ringer or phone off. Tracking is easy enough to turn on and then off when not needed. I never had an issue with these things.
  8. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    That's it. In NO other industry I've ever worked for have they required me to install ANY software on my personal phone. If I needed a phone for work, one was issued to me, free of charge. This going all the way back to 2011. I don't care about installing anything on a company phone, but don't tell me I have to install tracking software on MY phone. I don't want to have to deal with permissions or anything else. I trust NOTHING on my phone that I don't install because I want it. ESPECIALLY aps that are KNOWN to track your phone.

    Oh hellz to the no. Like I said, I have no use for brokers. My first company I drove for we ran like 90% contract freight. I was NEVER ASKED to do anything with my personal phone other than answer it once in a blue moon when my dispatcher would call me. I NEVER once spoke with a broker. And my next job, where we did a lot of broker'ed freight, at orientation they handed me a brand new Android phone and said "Here, install all the software we ask you to on this, don't put any on your personal phone."

    AHHHHHH that sounded really good to me. But no, my newest gig told me to install tracking on my phone. I told them politely what part of my hind end they could kiss. If they want to give the load to someone else who wants their personal phone tracked, then have at it. That ain't me. I could get a local driving gig tomorrow if I wanted one and never have to put up with this crap again. They're having a hard time holding onto drivers because their pay is so low here, so they know I mean it when I say it.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2024
  9. LameMule

    LameMule Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2020
    They're trying to access my decade long compilation of cat memes via Macropoint!
    images (7).jpeg
    Deere hunter and PPNLE Thank this.
  10. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    Shoot, you caught me.
    LameMule and Deere hunter Thank this.
  11. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    Lets see, they lie and steal your money, try to get you to take loads where you dont want to go, for cheep..... They forget they work for you.
    drivingmissdaisy Thanks this.
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