epu was working fine and i had to replace the battery on the truck, after i did that the epu started acting up , the display freezes and wont cranck , everything works but wont cranck and i tried to jump start it with outside battery , it turns for a second and thats it.. but when i hook up the battery to the started from the outside , the display works fine , it has new starter and new alternator everything its perfectly fine
why is my epu not starting
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Petpg123, Mar 20, 2023.
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I remember having trouble many moons ago. Had to reset it some how. I know I found a video on Youtube on how to do it. It worked. Sorry, that"s all I have...
May want to change your heading. EPU to APU and then you need to give everyone the model of what you have. More then one brand out on the market.
Vampire Thanks this. -
My mistake , APU is thermo king tripac non evolution 270 older model
Siinman Thanks this. -
When you take the top cover off the APU there is a big ### fuse near the back. I'd start by checking that.
If it’s the combo with the espar heater...,there’s usually a reset button located on the heater box...it’ll trip off there’s a surge.. like a breaker
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