Why would i get distpached to a drop yard?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by 1029384746, Jul 4, 2019.

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  1. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    This is not about me. I already said that.

    I simply used myself as an example that making excuses are just like the anal orifice. Everyone has one and they all stink.

    I was a new driver. Thrown into a beat up old truck given a pre plan and a delivery date and time and I had to figure out everything. I managed to not deliver late. Even when I was new. Now did I miss a few gears, make a few wrong turns, get a few birds flipped at me for a little while? Sure. But I was never LATE. That's all the receiver cares about. The other crap is between you and other drivers.

    Apparently you've never worked in a service based industry as a customer service rep like I have. All a trucking company has to sell themselves on is their service. They don't make the trucks, they don't make the trailers. They don't make the freight. What separates one trucking outfit from another? The paint color on the cab and service to the customers. If you're constantly late as the OP has stated he's running on borrowed time anyway. They invested money in his CDL but they also invested their reputation with their customers that they will NOT let one whackadoodle driver who can't arrive on time ruin. Crappy trucking companies will keep him, a good one will kick him to the curb. It's not personal, it's business.

    I don't know the guy personally. I have nothing against him. Seems like a nice guy. But he needs to get his act together, because one way or the other he'll be looking for another job soon if him and his buddy can't get that truck where it needs to go on time.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2019
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  3. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    It ain’t a bit of a shame.
    You and the gang attacked Boattlebot, X1heavy and then lovesthedrive because they didn’t work as much as you all.
    And not one of you had a set of balls to stand up against the others and say to knock it off.
    Scroll past stuff you don’t want to read, put them on ignore. But never attack them and hope they quit the forum.
    Hurry and go to the Secret forum room and talk bad about someone.
  4. ZVar

    ZVar Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    Flint, MI
    Except a mega like CRE doesn't. They are 98% about pricing and only 2% about service.
    Ok, I'm making up numbers sure, but I'm not far off reality.

    You not taking into account their situation and insulting them by calling them worthless doen't help anyone. Actually insulting people is just to make yourself feel better, so instead of trying to push others down, why don't you actually try and help them by being constructive.

    Don't call someone worthless, instead give them advice on how to not be late for example.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  5. KillingTime

    KillingTime Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    Rockland, Maine
    The court acknowledges your admission. You were new, too. And reminds you to never forget your roots.

    I congratulate you, with yet another golf clap, on never being late. You must have been celebrated amongst your class. *hums* 'For he's a jolly good fellow...'

    No, I've never worked in the service industry. Not receiving loads from carriers, not receiving attitude from uppity's that didn't get their fries fast enough, not scanning people thru the checkout.... I have never held a customer service job. That said - from what I see here, all over the board, is that Mega Carriers suck (disclaimer: I cut my milk-teeth at Werner, OTR) and that you should expect sub-par service. It's a given when you have 60 new drivers a week....

    What's pissing me off is your holier than thou attitude. Been driving for years? Great. Gotten multiple raises? Great. Know what you're doing and how to pre-plan & pre-trip? Great. But quit pissing on the guy who's asked where he's headed next.

    And also, with a s/n such as 'DrivingMissDaisy' - you better be a black man. And I hope you are. Otherwise you totally missed the friggin' point of that movie.
    Shock Therapy Thanks this.
  6. KillingTime

    KillingTime Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    Rockland, Maine
    There isn't a secret room.... you're just being a public ##### now.

    You and Dave and Willy probably deserve each other...... That's all I've got to say about that.

    Safe travels, Tuck.

    (The 3 you mention don't work at all. - To clarify.)
    Shock Therapy and 4mer trucker Thank this.
  7. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    as i vaguley recall, boattlebot, created his own problems up to and including his company coming here and reading about him.

    why should anyone have said to lay off that guy.??

    he was a moron, freely naming his company and admitting to many stupid things.

    in the end, as i try to recall, he got canned.......good riddance.
    x1Heavy, 4mer trucker and KillingTime Thank this.
  8. 4mer trucker

    4mer trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Maybe you should have a 4th of July "Awesome or Great Poll" :D
    Shock Therapy and KillingTime Thank this.
  9. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    x1Heavy and KillingTime Thank this.
  10. rbrtwbstr

    rbrtwbstr Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    in the bush somewhere
    It's the 4th of July people! Can't y'all get along for a day?
    4mer trucker, MACK E-6 and x1Heavy Thank this.
  11. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    Apparently not.
    Lonesome and x1Heavy Thank this.
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