He had gave up his CDL at that time because he never thought he would want to drive again but he is finding out that being over the road is where he wants to be. So he has to go through all the CDL training again. He has not had a license for 4 years and the suspensions happened on a regular driving license not a CDL. All of the kids are grown now so no child support comes out of his check anymore.
Will a past suspended license prevent me from getting my CDL?
Discussion in 'CRST' started by mileysdad, Dec 15, 2011.
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My state allows those who have held a CDL previously in lifetime to grab a permit, wait two weeks, grab a truck CDL driver and take road test through a school rental and sometimes a very short course refresher. I was grandfathered myself so for me it's just a road test etc to get mine back. ive got a big time medical test plus surgery if needed between me and that while working on getting back out there myself. (Long story...) We'll see.
The other thing is he will have to account for 7 to 10 years of his time precisely. This is for indirectly Homeland security and also for company's information while they check him over for employment after he regains his CDL.
Remember Medical cards are now tied to CDL. If he gets a valid one or two year card (NOT at concentra) then hes good to go provided he renews in order to keep his CDL. There are new situations in the DOT medical that might sidetrack him into sleep study, BMI related sleep apnea and other issues which is somewhat scammy and a problem. For some. Not all.
When he does go for medical card, he must NOT lie on the long form questions. There are databases now active across many or all doctors in the USA now in near real time. Combined with the prescription monitoring programs the DOT doctor will know him pretty good before he enters the office. Particularly if he has been to other doctors to do medical work, surgeries etc.
There has been other changes as well. But one other thing. He will need to prove birth cert, lease or home owner mortgage or rental history, current electric and gas bill etc very recently, any military DD-214 etc and other documents to meet the new Real ID 2020 act. Once he has all that then hes ready to attempt that license upgrade. One example of a extra document is a second photo ID issued by State, in my case the licensed concealed carry card from the state police with my photo etc. That was accepted.
One unfortunate result of the 2020 is the facial picture is turned into a electronic math solution by numbers specific to his face. Many databases will now be able to access his information with just his face on a camera anywhere. Our law enforcement cars now have cameras capable of identifying people as they drive past the crowds at school, stores or on the street etc.
Those who do get the Real ID act (I renewed last week) gold star on the license is good for 8 years and is able to fly airplanes in USA beyond Oct 1 2020 deadline. Those who have NOT upgraded past Oct 1 2020 become second class citizens NOT able to fly in the USA unless you also hold a Passport etc.
When he does get back into CDL, then he needs to consider CANADA. Being Suspended might be a problem. Any thing else that is arrestable and convicted for will probably be a problem at the border there. And they probably will refuse him. But that depends on Canada when they get his license and pull his file. They will have his entire life right there on the customs computer on their end of the bridge into Canada so he cannot and must not lie to questions.Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
Trucking is not all that bad, but in some ways its worse.
Good luck to you two. -
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I live in irvington alabama
Chinatown Thanks this. -
I am near Mobile Alabama
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