Windy Hill Foliage

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ThomasTrucker21, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. Quicksr20

    Quicksr20 Bobtail Member

    Jan 28, 2018
    heated windshield wipers! Nice. How are they powered? Pretty smart idea right there!!
  2. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Heated Wiper Blades | Everblades Windshield Wipers
    Heated Wiper Blades | Everblades Windshield Wipers
    Our heated wiper blades provide a streak-free view, increasing your time on the road. Each blade is manufactured with premium silicone that lasts 3x longer than other blades.
    How Do Heated Wiper Blades Work? - SharesProcket
    How do heated wiper blades work? The heated wiper blades work with the defroster system of your vehicle keep your wiper blades and windshield free and clear of snow and ice. There are calibrated heating constituents sealed inside windshield wipers. …
    18 wheels hummin Thanks this.
  3. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    Why do trailers in Michigan have so many axles? Like the dumps and tankers
    Speed_Drums Thanks this.
  4. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    Boy I will be glad when I don’t have to do these plant runs anymore :happy8:
  5. Dennixx

    Dennixx Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2010
    twin cities
    I thought that was their bread and butter.
    I get they are a pia.
  6. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    Oh It is for sure. If we bring something to Florida nine times out ten we’re taking plants back out. They just get old pretty quick. This is my second one in a week
  7. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    I know it’s cliche, but put in your time and move on to something better. Seems like a lot of companies anymore are recognizing a years worth of experience.
    ThomasTrucker21 Thanks this.
  8. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    I am for sure. I actually threw a couple applications out to a couple companies that required six months of experience and one told me they’d take me but I’d have to go with a trainer for two weeks since I’m not fully at six months yet so I told them I’d just wait. The other the recruiter told me she’d try and see if safety department would push It through.
  9. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    The otr thing is getting old to but I know it’s just part of the process. I’m planning on going southeast regional whenever I get my experience up
  10. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    It doesn’t particularly have to be part of the process, but maybe the path of least resistance to something better. I started driving at 19 and was lucky enough to find a company to give me a chance intrastate, I’ve never had to do real OTR thank god, I pull an end dump now, Ive been with this company over 9 years total, my advice is try to find something not everyone is doing, tank, end dump like myself, some kind of flatbed/conestoga work, basically anything outside of the typical dry box run around. For example, I loaded rock this afternoon in AL, literally 10 minutes and I was tarped and rolling, work like end dumps help you to utilize the most of your hours, and get home on the weekends. Best of luck.
    ThomasTrucker21 Thanks this.
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