Windy Hill Foliage

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ThomasTrucker21, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    There is a dump truck company not to far from my house that I’ve thought about contacting but never got around to It. I don’t mind pulling a box if I can stay around the south. I’ll look around though and explore more options of different types of freight to haul
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Raven Transport is regional.
  4. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    That’s who told me I would need to go with a trainer for two weeks. They did offer .49 cpm at six months as well
  5. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    Passed my first DOT inspection today
  6. Vic Firth

    Vic Firth Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2016
    Speed_Drums and ThomasTrucker21 Thank this.
  7. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    Well my international sprung an oil leak last weekend brought It back up to marshfield and instead of fixing It they just switched me into a different truck. A 2013 freightliner with a million and two miles on the odometer :biggrin_2554: but I’m honestly thinking this will be my last run with them. Got a job offer from Rosedale Transport out of Dalton. .49 cpm running the same area of the country and getting home every weekend
    Speed_Drums and Goldenfan Thank this.
  8. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Will you pull dry van with Rosedale? One time they had some flatbeds out of Dalton.
  9. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    Yeah it’ll be drive van. I guess they haul a lot of flooring. Mostly drop and hook
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  10. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Congrats, sounds like a much better place to be. You showed a lot of patience, I kept my opinions to myself, but I’ve seen windy hill out here for years and was never too impressed with their operation, equipment old as dirt and drivers to match sometimes. Good luck, trucking as a new guy is always about progression if you want to stick with it, sounds like that’s what you’re doing, at least you didn’t throw in the towel like so many others do in their first year solo.
    ThomasTrucker21 Thanks this.
  11. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    Thank you! And I don’t quite understand the way they operate as far as equipments goes. They have about 20 new Volvo’s that have been at the yard for a couple months now with no decals or anything on them still. The owner is definitely a penny pincher for sure but they gave my start in the industry and I’m thankful for It.
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