Windy Hill Foliage

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ThomasTrucker21, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. Goldenfan

    Goldenfan Heavy Load Member

    Apr 8, 2013
    Good luck on the job change and if you got time start a new thread on them. You were with Windy Hill about 4 months or so right?
    I don't understand the new trucks in the yard just sitting. Could it be they aren't paid for and he can't put them in service until they are?? Just wondering and I may be off base.
    ThomasTrucker21 Thanks this.
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  3. DoubleO7

    DoubleO7 Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2015
    Southern Illinois
    I notice that they use a lot of old trucks. That would concern me!
  4. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    Thank you, and it’s been about six months that’s how I was able to qualify with Rosedale. Kinda crazy how fast time goes. But yeah I’m not sure on that either. They’ve been there since December I wanna say maybe January but there’s no company decals on them or anything
    Goldenfan Thanks this.
  5. ThomasTrucker21

    ThomasTrucker21 Medium Load Member

    It was for me when I first started but I didn’t have too many options to go with. It could definitely be better managed in my opinion
    DoubleO7 Thanks this.
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