So, to all current OD drivers how is it to work for this company? Micro management, daily routes, dealing with customers? I went in for interview, road test, and already know the payscale, I'm interested in hearing from you drivers that work here. Thanks for any info you can provide.
Working for OD
Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by Coover, Jul 21, 2018.
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Are you looking at P&D or linehaul? I do linehaul so I can't speak to the city side of things, but I love it. As long as I take care of business, after I get my assignment I'm pretty much left alone.
My biggest complaint is that I'm stuck on a work schedule I hate, but that's my own fault and not the company's. Next time we bid routes, I'll be able to choose something else. -
Currently only open position is P&D.
Originally looking for linehaul. Should of jumped on that position last fall when it opened. -
Pm sent -
Well it varies by location. My experience is way different from others that I talked to before I started. Which terminal you looking into
Figured I'd respond in the thread so other people interested in OD could benefit from the conversation.
As @lagging mentioned, it really does vary by location. Sure, there's an over-arching corporate culture that's supposed to be like a family atmosphere, but that's the green kool-aid they're peddling... Corporate more often than not feels like some sort of distant entity that calls the shots, sets policies into motion, and enforces rules that sometimes feel rather arbitrary. Of course, drivers don't see the big picture, so what seems arbitrary might actually have a purpose. Their open door policy enables one to speak with anybody in management - there is no chain of command, although it would serve you best to first speak with the manager or supervisor directly over you. This open door policy is unique to ODFL - I guess. So the corporate culture is pretty much like any other big corporate culture - sterile, faceless, distant, yet touting comfy slogans like "family atmosphere." They're about the bottom dollar - like any big corporation. It's one huge reason why they're so profitable. They play the game well and we all get to share with a piece of the pie. Setting aside ODFL's success and dominance in the LTL arena, and their pay and benefits package, I don't think their culture is much different from any other non-union LTL. They're all pretty much the same.
Having said that, your local terminal could very well foster a family-like atmosphere. This is where each terminal is something like its own microcosm. Your manager's personality will set the mood and culture.
So that's a pretty generic response to your question, but how one feels about the company is going to depend on their experience at their terminal. I love working for ODFL because they are top of the line in the LTL world, their pay and 401k is outstanding (benefits are alright), and equipment is well-maintained. I don't feel like I'm a part of a family - but that's OK, it's a job. They are a corporation, so yes, they will micromanage - they will look at the bottom dollar - they will squeeze more and more productivity out of you - they have an open door policy because they don't want workers to unionize. Estes, ODFL, FXF - they're all the same.
I have a fantastic linehaul manager, although my terminal has its issues and could use improvement in areas. Corporate is corporate, central dispatch is central dispatch, but the people I know and work with on a daily basis are great people.
I'm a linehaul driver so I don't really know about P&D, besides that I don't want to do it. -
@2BucTruck Thanks for the reply. I understand how successful corporations run, and I'm ok with that, after all we are out here for the money.
I also understand the "big happy family" atmosphere. But what really gets me is when a company holds grass roots meetings, say they value the opinions of their drivers, always qoute values, and mission statement of our founder, and then do the exact opposite.
Over the past year morale is at an all time low, many 10 year+ drivers are leaving in flocks, and only when policies that have failed miserably over the past 1.5 year and start affecting the bottom line after losing 20% of the fleet and overpaying for less productive outside contract carriers do they somewhat realize they messed up. Probably too little too late.
As for the local OD terminal everything seems to be a decent working environment. Which is all an employee can ask for. 5 miles from the house is also a big plus. Loosing the ability to claim per diem on taxes also makes being home nitely far more attractive.
Thank you to all with your replies06driver Thanks this. -
Well im a P&D driver so here are how things run in the Houston area.
As a newbie You will start at noon all the way til 8 or 9 pm depending on the customer needs. Starting pay its around 23 dls but if you come with experience they start you at 25dls and some change.As far how many deliveries it varies there would be times where you will have around 10 but for the most part is about 4 or 5 that will give ya enough time to eat and do your pick ups and swaps.One thing i have notice is if you are given alot of deliveries they usually are with 1 mile from each other so your not really running like a chicken with your head cut off. Another nice thing is we have pup trailers so you pretty much can fit anywhere. Also if you somehow cant get freight off due to you having a long trailer or just dont feel safe you can always talk to your dispatch and they will have you meet up with another driver who will be able to to deliver. Also seniority only counts when is vacation time other than that the starting times are given if your production numbers are high. Overall for me OD was the best decision.
Good luck -
If one were to start P+D can they bid for line haul when they come open?
Coover Thanks this.
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