Worst Showers

Discussion in 'Truck Stops' started by mrjuggalo9er, Nov 11, 2006.

who do you think has the worst showers on the road

Poll closed Jan 10, 2007.
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    3 vote(s)
  2. pilot

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    flying j

    2 vote(s)
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    10 vote(s)
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    4 vote(s)
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    4 vote(s)
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    All of the above

    2 vote(s)
  1. sazook

    sazook Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    Springfield, MO
    If you can imagine something like this as the toilet in a room as dirty as the one posted above, you'll have a general idea of what the pay toilets look like in Gara Du Nord (the main train station) in Bucharest, Romania.

    And yes, that's little more than a hole in the floor.
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  3. Pullin2

    Pullin2 Crusty Canuck

    Nov 5, 2011
    Whoville Pub, Long Island
    Very nice - A modern pay crapper .... I always liked the ones in old Madrid, or old Beirut, that you payed a dollar, opened the door, and stood in the 2000 year old foot prints worn in the hardened clay floor and aimed at the hole.
  4. cyn1123

    cyn1123 Light Load Member

    Oct 31, 2012
    Cartersville, GA
    Pilot Road Rangers are the worst in my opinion, sometimes you can judge a book by its cover when it comes to a truck stop, if it looks junky, the shower is junky. always bring shower shoes (flip flops), always bring your own towel, i mean come on who wants to use the same towel that some sweaty truck driver wiped his sack with, gross! and a small thing of febreeze isnt always a bad idea to bring with you, and if the shower is just horendous, go to the cashier desk and let them know you would like it cleaned up a bit or a new shower, those people should keep them clean, without truckers, they wouldnt have the merchandise they have or the clothes on there back
    BugEater Thanks this.
  5. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    I found what turned out to be the second worst shower I've encountered in my years of driving.

    This past week....the J in Elkton, MD. Shower obviously had not been cleaned. Long hairs all over the shower stall, and the drain literally 3/4 clogged with hair. Manager and the attendant who "cleaned" the room heard about it....in exactly the way I opened this posting. The only worse one I personally came across was in GA at a Pilot some years ago. Shower curtain appeared to have not been touched in at least a month.
  6. Raamman

    Raamman Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Airbase Two
    I agree; I took a shower the night before coming home because i was on the road for a bit longer than I like and a good shower can provide a better nights sleep. Well, my feet were burning on the drive and by evening at home when I took off my socks the skin on my soles was coming off in large chunks- I was immediately able to treat my feet with bleach and had to repeat the treatment a few days on- I can't imagine what would have become if this had occurred mid-run out some wheres. After that I made a point to bring a small container of bleach with me and made sure to wipe my feet down with some after every shower.
  7. kemosabi49

    kemosabi49 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jan 13, 2013
    SW Arkansas
    I know what you mean. They even had a truck wash when I first went there in dec '05
  8. Palazon

    Palazon Road Train Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Tacoma, WA
    Flying J Billings, MT... I've had cleaner showers in the field in the military.
  9. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    My last two showers at Pilots were not cleaned to standard, the last one just a few hours ago.

    So....more coffee purchases to get a "free" one, and the price just went up (basically negating any benefit for the driver), and yet theh can't clean a shower?


    I've spent my last out-of-pocket money at Pilot. If I can't get it with just points, I'll do without. We have power as drivers. We have to be motivated enough to use it.
    Big Duker Thanks this.
  10. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    LeRoy, Il. the Shell station there. My wife and I went to take a shower there last Wens. We used the extra towels to wipe down the shower stall and clean the floor.
    I asked the lady at the desk when was the last time it was cleaned?
    She stated every day, I'm like not after every use. Oh no I'm the only one here on second shift..
    Told her no more would I shower here and I do not think the shower has really been cleaned in at least 1 month.
    She said sorry you had bad shower, but there is nothing I can do. Yes I siad. Quit selling out the showers.
    She had no sense of humor on that.
    48Packard Thanks this.
  11. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    Chevron on I-35 in Cotulla,TX. Nasty as Hell showers. Probably used 40 times a day each and cleaned once or twice. McDonalds restaurant in store not much better. Keep heading North to Pearsall Travel Center. Remodeling and getting things up to modern standards. Good restaurant. Nice people. By S TX standards Pearsall is near the top. Also new Loves on 35 at Natalia. Had water pressure problems but have fixed them. Has not been destroyed by the slobs and dirt bags-yet.
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