Yeah once you hit the state line you're not going to find decent showers until Coachella. When I run into California, I'm usually starting from the yard and freshly showered, lol.
Worst Showers
Discussion in 'Truck Stops' started by mrjuggalo9er, Nov 11, 2006.
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and apparently they never had to shower at big charlies in va beach. and they have most definitely not had to bathe and shave with water in a combat helmet if they think a t/a is bad, or filled #2 washtub with water and let it wrm in the south Georgia sun to take a bath. it all a matter of perspective.
one of the first things a infantry soldier learns is deodorant will keep more things than your underarms from sweating and stinking. it works great on the crack and sack -
I think every driver needs to go to Big Charlies and shower there at least once.
My wife and I got stuck there this summer looking for a ld. 4 days there and 2 showers there. Yea ha.
I have been to worse and alot better ones also.
Stood behind thetrk. and 2 gallons of water to shower.
Try a Thai. shower, big water tank and a scoop for the water..
Never was in the service, so never did the helmet trick. You re right about the deodorant trick. Just make sure you have no cuts on said body parts before applying though. -
I'm not kidding, but you guys have out deodorant on your sack? Never heard of it, nor knocking it, and won't be trying it but still a new one to me.
I showered at Big Charlies. I didn't think they were that bad.
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