Yet another Maverick orientation thread...

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by MsJamie, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. MsJamie

    MsJamie Road Train Member

    Good evening, everyone...

    A friend and I are looking to come over to Maverick in a few months. We are looking to go with the Glass division. We are both female; she's small, and I'm not. :)

    We have been wondering about the physical tests during orientation. Specifically, how much weight will we have to lift, and how high do we have to lift it?

    One more glass specific question... How long will it be between coming in for orientation, and heading out on the road? This may well determine if we come in together or not.

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  3. DeadArmadillo

    DeadArmadillo Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Republic of Texas
    RMU91 and MsJamie Thank this.
  4. Truckermania

    Truckermania Road Train Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    If I remember correctly you will have to lift 60 pounds up to your chest and 120 pounds just lift off floor. In both cases they will be weights in a milk crate type box with handles. They will tell you how to appropriately lift them. I've seen a small female lift both and a larger female that could not do it. If you could set up the test with your own weights and milk crate you could see if you can do it. Good luck and God bless!
    MsJamie Thanks this.
  5. RMU91

    RMU91 Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    Berna does a really good job addressing the answers to questions she expects to receive through her Youtube Channel. Dale Clay is another Maverick with a Youtube Channel, but his videos focus on flatbeds. However, he has three videos that describe in detail all the testing Maverick does during orientation.
  6. Thunderhorse

    Thunderhorse Bobtail Member

    Dec 10, 2015
    Killeen tx
    I've been in the orientation about a week now. We had one female in our class who failed the box lifting thing but she was really small and scrawny. The physical is completely easy. I don't remember the weights of the boxes but they were pretty light. I was really surprised when I heard someone failed that one. You have to pick up one and put it on a table, and the other you lift it up to your chest then put it back down. I'm not gonna say it's impossible to fail the physical but it's nothing to stress over, there was nothing hard about it,believe me. Most of the ppl from our class that we lost were for drug tests, falling asleep in class, etc. so if you don't do drugs, you show up looking and acting professional and take the training seriously then y'all should be fine.
  7. Nik 01

    Nik 01 Bobtail Member

    Feb 25, 2016
    Dale Clay videos about what takes place during Maverick orientation, are pretty informative. I recently completed all the ability tests, and just completed flatbed securement training. Leaving next week with my trainer. From the things I've experienced so far, Maverick has been very straight forward, and I'm excited to start my career with them. I'm new to this industry, and so far, Maverick has made me feel right at home.
  8. RMU91

    RMU91 Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    Congratulations, Nik!!! I hope all your miles are safe.
  9. RMU91

    RMU91 Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    If I may ask, how long was the waiting period between your application date and your orientation date? Also, how long was the waiting period between orientation and "leaving next week" with your trainer?

    Thanks in advance, Nik.
  10. Nik 01

    Nik 01 Bobtail Member

    Feb 25, 2016
    Actually, my wait was probably a little longer than most, because, I had to go to CDL School, which Maverick paid, but because I had to go to school, I had to wait on the next open class date. Orientation went from Sunday-Thursday, with physicals, and ability tests on Monday. Plenty of map reading, and trip planning exercises, along the way, for rookies like me.. Then on Thursday, you do what's called "crossing the bridge". You receive a job offer, and go into business unit (division) training. I'm flatbed, so my division training went from Thursday-Thusday. Other divisions such as TCD, and glass have different length of training. I took this week off, because I've been gone so long with CDL school. So, I could have left as early as last Friday with a trainer, but most flatbed guys are home a lot on weekends. I chose the extra home time. Other guys in my class got assigned trucks, if they were already experienced, coming from another verifiable company, or got assigned trainers last Thursday, and some left Friday or this passed Monday. The whole process moves rather quickly. Maverick moves a lot of people through orientation. Some stay, several leave. Maverick sets a standard of expectation, and some just decide they don't wanna be held to that high of a standard.
  11. RMU91

    RMU91 Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    I have read about Maverick's standards, and I am quite impressed by them. As mentioned, though, some decide to leave because they do not want to be held to that high of a standard. Melton has a similar set of standards, and the highest set of standards I have seen seem to be at TMC.

    I hope you succeed at Maverick! It is a good, solid company.

    Stay safe!
    Nik 01 Thanks this.
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