Youtuber Follies

Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by merv85, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. Espressolane

    Espressolane Road Train Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    Just south of the north 40
    out of curiosity, I did view a good portion of the video.
    The woman is somewhat annoying, but what we see is truth. A sad truth, but truth.
    The company dispatched an under experienced and unprepared driver for an oversized load.
    One aspect of this is the lack of preparation this driver took. Not sure where the trailer was picked up/connected to, it is clear that even a basic check was not done, just hook it and go.
    There was plenty of opportunity to check equipment on hand and determine what additional equipment may be needed. Yet it never happened. Instead we hear a number of “ It was someone else” excuses.
    At the end of the day, it was her decision to move the load. She was quite lucky that the LEO did not write her a book of citations.
    CAXPT and Kyle G. Thank this.
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  3. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    "Thrown to the Wolves"- The Saga of the 10 Wides.
    All of us were thrown to the wolves. If you are going to pull OSOW, there isn’t a training course. No company training. We all have been through this. The only person that can actually help you is the driver who was there before you. So, you had better get off of your arse and take initiative to learn as much as you can about everything.

    Does she do this? Any initiative? Nope. Just try to look cute for the camera because she needs validation from a bunch of fat, pocketpool playing simping bootysniffers.

    “Has nothing to do with her being a woman.”

    Yes, it does. It it were a guy, he would’ve had gotten ticketed, and this video wouldn’t have its own thread, but been posted in the Shame thread.

    Six back quiet.
    merv85, beastr123, CAXPT and 2 others Thank this.
  4. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    “Thrown to the wolves...” That’s as good a term as any. Thanks for posting that, I enjoyed reading your story and will have to check out the rest of that thread.

    By the way, my comment about having nothing to do with her being a woman was just referring to the way I was judging her ineptitude. I didn’t want to come across as sexist or whatever. I didn’t watch the part where the police came and saved the day, but I have no doubt she played the damsel in distress card and that’s why she got away with it.

    Also, I bet you if there were any male drivers in the yard where she loaded, they would have flocked over and not only strapped her load for her, but given her all the extra straps she needed, all while she sat in the warm cab cuddling with her little puppy.
    RubyEagle, merv85, CAXPT and 1 other person Thank this.
  5. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    I always say, you are either a flatbedder or you are not. I can teach any idiot how to throw straps or how to build a bulkhead, etc. I can’t teach anyone attention to detail or how to use common sense or how to think on their feet. I have trained (or attempted to train) some real idiots, believe me. If you can’t do those things you won’t make it, period. Doesn’t matter how big your muscles are or how big your chest is or how cute you are. That’s how I see it anyway.

    There is one guy I worked with at a previous yard jockey job years ago. He stood out above the rest because he had all those traits. When the time came that we needed another flatbed driver, I brought him onboard. He had years on me but had never touched a flatbed or had any desire to. Didn’t matter, I knew he was a flatbedder just because of the way that he was. The guy hired on with us, rolled with me for a week or two to learn the basics, then he was out on his own, teaching himself more every day. And that is exactly how I learned flatbed... I just kinda fell into it and mostly trained myself.

    Now look, there is nothing wrong with not being a flatbedder. This girl is probably a nice person and may be a good driver for all I know, but she is NOT a flatbedder. I could see that plain as day in the first few minutes of this video.
    cke, Nostalgic, merv85 and 2 others Thank this.
  6. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    Nothing sexist, just an expectation for everyone to be able to do or take initiative to do their job.

    Do you know how to play poker? If you show up on a job site to pick up an OSOW, what card do you play? The Quiet Professional. If you see everyone on site decked out in PPE, what do you do? Make sure you have your PPE, correct? Do you have to be told? The quiet professional does not. Ever see the idiot get out of the truck unprepared and a site rep gives him the speech about mandatory PPE, and idiot starts mouthing off? Idiot is playing the Dumb Fruchen Truck Driver And I Don’t CareAboutAnything card. He has PPE, he just wants to be mouthy. Lowlife. He’s playing a card. He isn’t dumb. Dumb wouldn’t know and wouldn’t have PPE.

    This girl is doing something similar that only YOUNG women can do. She’s playing the Dumb Helpless Damsel in Distress card. She is not Dumb. She has intelligence but chooses not to use it. Lowlife.

    Harsh, right? If this woman REALLLLLLLYY wanted to do the job in a safe manner, she could have found a way or called someone at her company to help. But she chooses not to. And a load could have come off a trailer because she’s trying to be cute.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2023
    cke, Nostalgic, Blue jeans and 6 others Thank this.
  7. Kshaw0960

    Kshaw0960 Road Train Member

    Jun 17, 2018
    Not to bump this thread up but now that I watched the video I got some of her other newer videos ‘recommended’. I sped through one. She was fired, then rehired a week later, and her next load was cable reels. Some had chains. Some had straps. One had just a single chain but it was pulled so far forward way beyond 45 degrees, when it should be straight down if you just do the one.

    I feel like this person is the ‘con’ argument against the ‘no child left behind’ school policy back in my childhood.
    cke, Nostalgic, Kyle G. and 1 other person Thank this.
  8. CAXPT

    CAXPT Road Train Member

    Feb 10, 2008
    Not surprising. Check out the company SAFER score and inspections.
    DOT- 3517673
    Webpage - Delgado Logistics
    Same logo on her door.
    Nahbrown Thanks this.
  9. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa

    I watched that one too, it was pretty sad. Did you catch the part at the end where she got unloaded and they asked her if she wanted them to bump the dunnage off her deck for her (they were nailed down)?

    She was confused because she didn't even know they were nailed down.
    cke and CAXPT Thank this.
  10. Kshaw0960

    Kshaw0960 Road Train Member

    Jun 17, 2018
    Man I missed it lol. I sped through like 2x speed and kept skipping parts. I just wanted to get the gist of it.
    cke, CAXPT and Kyle G. Thank this.
  11. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    The best one is her mishap at Banning with a load of 60ft beams.
    cke, CAXPT and Kyle G. Thank this.
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