YRC/Holland Regional Day Cab Work, How Does It Work?

Discussion in 'YRC' started by highspeed1972, Dec 8, 2018.

  1. highspeed1972

    highspeed1972 Light Load Member

    Jul 23, 2010
    Weatherby Lake, MO
    I see Holland has a OTR Reginal position in Kansas City it says 70-75K a year. I only see day cabs and the web site says overtime after 8 hours. So do they put you up in a hotel? Do they pay hourly for OTR? I am going to give them a call on Monday with my list of questions just thought I would throw it out here for anyone that might know.

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  3. Darracq

    Darracq Light Load Member

    Nov 10, 2011
    Did you find anything out, I just saw an add in Joplin mo
  4. highspeed1972

    highspeed1972 Light Load Member

    Jul 23, 2010
    Weatherby Lake, MO
    Nope I sure have not yet.
  5. Gdog66223

    Gdog66223 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Coal Town
    I heard that applying for YRC is a process kinda like getting a post office job... not sure though... I do know I blow the log book right out the window when I go past them....
  6. blindsidebacker4life

    blindsidebacker4life Light Load Member

    Dec 15, 2018
    It use to be. I worked there right when it started going down hill, and I went to greener pastures..

    They will hire you now.. Just do the online app and call some till they give a drug test and orientation. I'd recommend avoiding the Charlotte, NC terminal.. I can give details why elsewhere; it's not exactly a family-friendly description why and most people with seniority still there and who retired will agree..
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  7. LtlAnonymous

    LtlAnonymous Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2016
    Okay, sorry you never got a response.

    So. I can at least give some general information. This will be an OTR LTL position.

    You will be driving a daycab, and be put up in hotels overnight. Home time during your work week will depend on freight. Either it will happen or it won't. Depends on how Holland does it.

    Home time could also be off on weekends or 24/7 until you meet the requirements for home time.

    On-call or set start times, depending on what they do, as well. These are all questions you should be asking the recruiter.

    Sorry I don't know any Holland specifics. But I did time at Yellow and ABF. So hopefully that helps.
    Lonesome and highspeed1972 Thank this.
  8. keith900629

    keith900629 Light Load Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Gastonia, NC
    Can I ask why avoid the Charlotte terminal? I drive for Holland out of Charlotte and expect it slowing down drastically the last 2 weeks I have consistently ran 2400 to 3000 miles a week.
  9. keith900629

    keith900629 Light Load Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Gastonia, NC
    I drive for Holland out of the Charlotte NC terminal. Up until the last 2 weeks I was leaving out Monday and getting back usually Sunday morning. If you can get on jump on it. But it can be extremely frustrating in the beginning because you will be low man getting the shortest runs and the equipment is beyond junk. Up until 2 weeks ago I was running from 2400 and 3000 miles a week. No paycheck less that 1100 dollars a week. Anything you do outside of driving you get paid.
  10. blindsidebacker4life

    blindsidebacker4life Light Load Member

    Dec 15, 2018
    They make low seniority drivers work the dock and switch the yard, and these days it's basically a lot of shotty workers trying to get each other fired that you'll have to be shoulder to shoulder with..

    Even if you are at the top of the seniority paper they still hang by the punch outs you'll still get f'ed with because the type of people who work there and get mandatory overtime. People claiming you bumped them in the yard, people who can go around threatening to kill other workers and being untouchable etc..

    Charlotte, NC terminal makes a very strong case against unions these days..
    dwells40 and Lonesome Thank this.
  11. keith900629

    keith900629 Light Load Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Gastonia, NC
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