Is it just me who's seen this?

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by Generictrucker, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. Generictrucker

    Generictrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    Tullahoma, TN
    I'm a 12 year driver. Hardly a veteran, but somewhere above greenie. I've got just above a million miles safe and accident free, and the only ticket I ever got, I fought and beat by forcing a state DOT to admit they screwed up. Part of having that spotless career is that I refuse to operate illegally for any carrier/customer. If I get caught, it's my rear on the line, they won't bail me out if I get caught running illegal.

    I drive for a mega carrier right now on a dedicated account (economic instability drove me to choose a larger carrier after watching several middling ones go under), and I've noticed a marked decline in the quality of the equipment. It would be easy to dismiss this as the work of rooks, this company is revolving door after all, but I have the ability to see who dropped the equipment, and some of them have been driving longer than I have.

    On a whim, I started doing pre-trips on other carriers equipment (not full, just thumping tires and looking at brakes), and I noticed a lot of them have the same issues my carrier does: flatspotted or blown tires, shattered brake drums, brake pad broken/shattered/below DOT spec, air tanks hanging off a broken bracket, etc.

    Is this just an extension of the competency crisis? My dispatch is growing annoyed because I keep having to shut down to wait for repairs, but as I always take pictures and have evidence to back me up, there isn't much he can do about it as I'm on the legal side.

    Am I alone in seeing this? Has anyone else noticed a dramatic decline in safe and legal equipment over the last couple of years?
    Numb Thanks this.
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  3. Big Road Skateboard

    Big Road Skateboard Road Train Member

    May 2, 2021
    You have too much free time.

    But, it's 11* here and I'm lazy.

    So if you're free, swing by and pre trip mine
    Oxbow and Sons Hero Thank this.
  4. Generictrucker

    Generictrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    Tullahoma, TN
    Absolutely agreed, I did that while waiting for a repair on my equipment. I spend the majority of my time sitting these days.
  5. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia

    KUDOS TO YOU -- for being a TRUE PROFESSIONAL -- & flagging problems, BEFORE they become a bigger issue, later -- for you...&/or the rest of the motoring public.

    With that said:


    Especially given your experience level -- find a good carrier.

    -- L
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