What happens at the end of CRST's contract?

Discussion in 'CRST' started by RandyB100, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. RandyB100

    RandyB100 Bobtail Member

    Dec 24, 2015
    Well I looked in my paperwork and don't have one. I thought I had got a copy of the school's.

    Do courts really uphold CRST's contract when the employee is unable to really know the details since they aren't issued copies? How can they even prove it's the same contract? I've looked into several cases between CRST and employees but haven't seen that issue brought to light.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
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  3. UsualSuspect

    UsualSuspect Road Train Member

    Aug 14, 2016
    Yo Mama's
    Why not ask for a copy of it?
  4. RandyB100

    RandyB100 Bobtail Member

    Dec 24, 2015
    I have left voicemails for human resources and the contract department, asked my driver manager(s), and did (once) get an HR representative on the phone and asked. I never got it.
  5. alghazi

    alghazi Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    Since voice mail isn't working, why not walk in to Cedar Rapids and get a copy?
  6. RandyB100

    RandyB100 Bobtail Member

    Dec 24, 2015
    I live 600 or so miles away. I have been routed nearby a handful of times but I have been pushed to working the night shift by my co-drivers and would have to relay the load or have it counted as late if I stopped and waited until they opened.
  7. 25(2)+2

    25(2)+2 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    the road less travelled
    I don't want to assume, but if they know you are thinking of quitting, they may be using the contract against you, which is why I asked if you had a copy.
  8. RandyB100

    RandyB100 Bobtail Member

    Dec 24, 2015
    I was told by the operations manager just to be on a load on or after the 25th to meet the terms. I don't want to go that far in overthinking things (ie., they're out to get me). I'm sure it's hard to manage so many people at once, as well as handle agreements with companies to move freight. I just know what I've been going through and how many people have been sitting at the terminal for days on end in the same position.
  9. alghazi

    alghazi Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    Based on my students' experiences, it's a #####-and-a-half to find a co-driver. They end up sitting at the terminal or at home for a while waiting.

    CRST gives names and numbers of potential co-drivers, but no one seems to make a love connection that way.
    Jagsfan and 25(2)+2 Thank this.
  10. Lunatic Fringe

    Lunatic Fringe Medium Load Member

    Oct 1, 2016
    Your best bet is to call payroll. They will tell you how many days you have left on your contract and can answer questions about your contract.

    If you jump ship before finishing your contract you'll have two big problems - paying back CRST and the non-compete clause. If you work for another trucking company without finishing your CRST contract (or paying them back) they will sue your new employer. The big trucking companies all know this and won't touch you.
  11. alghazi

    alghazi Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    No, CRST will not sue his new employer. And any trucking company worth working for won't care about the non-compete clause.
    Safari Joe Thanks this.
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