How much fuel should a reefer burn?

Discussion in 'Refrigerated Trucking Forum' started by GiantBeard, Mar 4, 2021.

  1. GiantBeard

    GiantBeard Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Petaluma/Indio, CA
    I know this is a silly question but my boss, prefaced with the words, "I know I didn't talk to you first," bought a used reefer trailer to add to our farm.
    Its a TK SB-230 (advertised to him as a 210, and the 3 was scratched into a 1) and it just eats a lot of fuel compared to the 210 we already run. A lot of fuel!
    We only run them at 36 degrees and our old reefer burns about 1/4 of a tank of the same size, i think 50 or so gallons, in about 30 or so hours.
    This "new" reefer burns a quarter of a tank in just 16 hours! Its unaffordable and my boss doesn't see why!
    Is there something I should be taking a look or do these just burn a ton of fuel? I think he got took because I already found cracks in the floor and had to replace the airlines to fix the mystery of why the brakes suck. Spoiler, there were no brakes.
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  3. reeferwrencher

    reeferwrencher Medium Load Member

    Aug 4, 2018
    It might be running high head pressure which is the load on the engine.Go to gauges and check discharge pressure when it's on high speed cool,if she,s up over 300 psi try washing the condenser.You could also check the freon level when it's running on high speed cool below 32f,the ball should be floating in the sight glass above the battery.
    Dave_in_AZ and GiantBeard Thank this.
  4. GiantBeard

    GiantBeard Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Petaluma/Indio, CA
    I'll check all that when I get back to that farm. Geeze, I guess I should have given it the stink eye for just being dirty a all get out when it was a third hand used CR unit.
    I thank you for your insight, because I haven't got much, and if it were legal to slap my boss instead of saying, "good job," I would have. I'm just always learning this stuff and hes never cared a #### other than if its on time. Told him he should get a professional but they cost money. At least he got someone whogives a ####.
    reeferwrencher Thanks this.
  5. Six9GS

    Six9GS Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Yuma, AZ
    I've been pulling reefers for about 16 months. In my experience, the worst I've seen is the reefer would last between 3 and 4 days on a tank of fuel (Reefer set to -10°, continuous and in Arizona in July.). At best, probably several weeks if it is set to cycles mode and the ambient temp is close to the set point.
    In case you don't already know. The first and last quarter of a tank will burn really quickly. The gages aren't really set up correctly for a round tank. The top and bottom quarter of a tank physically hold a lot less than the 12.5 gallons that actually is 1/4 of a 50 gallon tank.
    Being a company driver, I don't mess with them if they have problems. I know about refrigeration systems in general. Worked at a Air Conditioner place when I was a kid and have often taken care of my car AC systems. But, don't have any knowledge or experience specifically with reefer units on reefer trailers. I do prefer Thermo King over Carrier because the TKs are quieter.
    Anyway, unsure if any of that was any help. But, though I'd share it in case it did help.
    GiantBeard Thanks this.
  6. tallguy66

    tallguy66 Medium Load Member

    Oct 18, 2018
    Have you tried setting the reefer on cycle/ start stop?
  7. GiantBeard

    GiantBeard Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Petaluma/Indio, CA
    I work at a farm. We invented the words, "Dirt Cheap."
    I can't convince my boss that cycle mode might be the reason we have both frost damage and high pulp temp.
    alds Thanks this.
  8. Snailexpress

    Snailexpress Road Train Member

    Apr 28, 2014
    Trailer insulation will affect fuel consumption a lot.
  9. DmitriyKW

    DmitriyKW Bobtail Member

    Feb 10, 2015
    Sacto, CA
    My 2018 Great dane SS with Carrier 7900X4 eats about half a gallon per hour running continues. 24/7/365
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