Peak season is about to go off the charts - VAXX Mandates now hitting capacity

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by KB3MMX, Sep 12, 2021.

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  1. KB3MMX

    KB3MMX Road Train Member

    Dec 29, 2014
    Orrstown, PA
    Reference recent freightwaves article. The capacity is plummeting as demand is skyrocketing again... Except this time the big bomb just went off.

    Transportation capacity dips further, prices keep surging

    The Biden administration Vaxx mandates are going to cause another massive drop in capacity as people weigh the dangerous side effects on their lives VS keeping their job at the Megas.

    Biden vaccine mandate may worsen low driver retention rates

    Hang on, it's about to get VERY wild !!

    Exciting times ahead for small fleets !!
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  3. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    But you have to wait until all the legal wrangling gets over with then we'll be in such a deep recession because of sky high inflation that rising rates will only bring the rates out of the basement.
  4. KB3MMX

    KB3MMX Road Train Member

    Dec 29, 2014
    Orrstown, PA
    Companies are already placing these restrictions in effect and rewriting policy to accommodate the illegal mandate.
    (Tyson foods is one of the first big ones)

    Anyways rates are at record highs and climbing... Eventually the market will correct, most likely in dramatic crashing fashion along with the us dollar.
  5. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    And I'm waiting on these big plants to suddenly have to cut production because a lot of people who work there will tell them to pound sand and seek employment elsewhere at companies that won't force this until they get done with all the legal crap. Besides, enforcement for this mandate falls on OSHA, and they can't keep up with the workload they have now.
  6. '88K100

    '88K100 Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2020
    Yes I’m sure all these factory workers are independently wealthy and can walk away from their job. They can go months without a cheque.
    bryan21384, Concorde, dunchues and 2 others Thank this.
  7. God prefers Diesels

    God prefers Diesels Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2020
    South Texas
    Nobody said all of them have to. Supply chains are crunched from manufacturing to shipping to receiving to trucking and so forth. None of the supply chain is in great shape, and any job loss in any category is just going to make it more difficult. These mandates certainly aren't going to create a surge in available people. A handful of people leaving is going to be an issue, and if you don't think people will leave, then I'll have what you're smoking.

    I see independents getting a chance to pick up some more hands, larger companies losing hands, and quite a few hanging up their keys. Either for retirement, or to switch into another line of work.

    One thing is certain, it won't just be maintaining status quo.
    KB3MMX, roshea, autopaint and 3 others Thank this.
  8. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Why would they have to wait for a check? There are jobs everywhere right now(at least in the U.S. and based on how you spelled checks, I would venture you aren't from around here), and nobody wants to work. Plenty of small places that won't be affected by the mandate are begging for workers, and are paying pretty close to what the plants are paying.
  9. JolliRoger

    JolliRoger Road Train Member

    May 8, 2007
    ( A handful of people leaving is going to be an issue)
    And that handful could well be key personnel in the management ranks. HR, Accounting, planning.
    These will be the long time employees who can take early retirement: go elsewhere, and do as well and to them, better.
    Losing the old heads, who know what do do and when to do it is the hurt. And lots of these people really do have firm opinions and think for themselves, and not the loud media grabbing ones who really do not understand the issue.
    A company with 4 of 5 plants (furniture, here in NE Mississippi) can easily re organize into that many operations with less than 100 people (Hell, they have done it for years to go BK and clean up) well before this is settled into enforceable law.
    Dad and his twin bro: raised in logging, timber cruising and lumber had an expression. "Just sit in the saddle and saw wood".
    I never really understood the saddle to sawmill wood, but I know how it works.
    You are doing something. There appears a great change/problem that will affect your wellbeing if it becomes actual as you are told. No biggie to them, they just continued on steadily and adjusted their operations so it did not really affect them.
    We went from raising hogs for a packer in 40-48 to cattle the 50's to soybeans finally. Dad, Mom, Aunt Winnie, and us 6 kids.
    Never missed a meal or went in ragged overalls. So, truck on with your present plan, be aware of opportunities (caused by weak sister's jumping off too soon) adapt as you need to keep from having too.
  10. kemosabi49

    kemosabi49 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jan 13, 2013
    SW Arkansas
    Tyson already has been having a hard time finding people to work there, around here anyway. Regular ads on radio stations for plant workers at $15 hr to start with full bennies, As well as chicken, feed and reefer truck drivers. Any more workers they lose over this will hurt them. But I'm sure their "experts" figured this into everything. Not.
  11. dunchues

    dunchues Medium Load Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    new brunswick
    I wonder if as many drivers will stick to their principles as did when the elogs came in? Probably 15% of drivers were getting out for certain, but economics is a tough mistress and I'm sure harsh reality will see a similar result over this enforcement.

    It's obscene society is being forced to give up its last semblance of freewill and personal rights but it's happening right now, and there isn't enough will to change it.
    old time, KB3MMX, Trucker61016 and 2 others Thank this.
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