Running with JCT, Part Deux

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by drloveofdfw, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. DADof3

    DADof3 Medium Load Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    Clarksville, TN
    It’s happening more and more. Also seeing them pulling Hurricane Express trailers. Either we are all 3 about to merge, or WFX is about to go under and they are pulling any and everything they can get their hands on. If we all merge I wasn’t the company ran the same as JCT, but I want Hurricane equipment since they run Pete’s and ThermoKings lol. The trailer itself I don’t really have a preference on.
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  3. Camaro355

    Camaro355 Medium Load Member

    Jan 13, 2014
    O'Fallon, MO
    Doubt WFX is going under (but hey anything possible these days) as they bought out Raines & Sons not that long ago. I really doubt you would want the payment on a Hurricane truck. LoL Don't like their color combos on most of their trucks but I do like the wood cabinets they install.
    CannonballAA and Jarhed1964 Thank this.
  4. CrossettDriver

    CrossettDriver Light Load Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    WFX energy division got really slow , they Will take what they can get at this point, they been pulling for national carriers and jb hunt as well.
    rickyraider and MachoCyclone Thank this.
  5. Kamkor

    Kamkor Road Train Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Wellington, TX


    Got em all at once. AZ REAAAAAAAAAAALLLY was like "YOU AINT DRIVING!" 3 suspensions and two revokes at once.

    Stupid computer upgrade lol.

    And no, I dont have to report them, they were all voided and per ADOT "That means they didn't even exist." since it was a computer/admin error.
  6. MachoCyclone

    MachoCyclone Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    Jarhed1964, Kamkor and drvrtech77 Thank this.
  7. mdmgolfin

    mdmgolfin Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2018
    Gray Georgia
    I’m no longer at JCT due to circumstances I wish not to disclose. I’ll still be monitoring on here. Be safe y’all
  8. Jarhed1964

    Jarhed1964 Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    Turns out there was no codriver and that steaming pile of...... yeah.. was actually the driver.

    I truly hope they throw the book at him and also hope he ends up marrying his 270lb very horny cellmate.
  9. TAfool

    TAfool Medium Load Member

    Dec 8, 2012

    That's a shame. Tyler was always good to me while I was there. I really don't like being lied to.

    The other thing that is a shame is the FSC game. I had always thought the $1pm plus the higher FSC made a decent pay package.

    CannonballAA Thanks this.
  10. Scoot 1971

    Scoot 1971 Light Load Member

    Nov 22, 2018
    To the two clowns who dropped empty trailers 5999 and 6508 at Tyson in Carthage, TX. You are the lowest form of scum out there!
    I was sent there to pickup an empty and found these were the only ones there, neither one of these units would start and keep running. One was completely out of fuel,(fuel guage was shot as it showed full), and the other would run for maybe 12 seconds. The latter sounded like it was about to implode for the short time it ran.
    Just another example of clowns posing as drivers and screwing over their fellow drivers.
    There is no excuse for this B.S.!

    If you are engaging in this type of behavior, please turn in your keys and go earn a living flipping burgers or live off of government subsidies like so many others are doing.
    CannonballAA, Jarhed1964 and dwells40 Thank this.
  11. Scoot 1971

    Scoot 1971 Light Load Member

    Nov 22, 2018
    Eventually, I grabbed the trlr that was out of fuel and topped it off with 49 gallons and then spent a solid 15 minutes priming it.
    Breakdown is sending another driver to get the other to take it to Carrier.
    Jarhed1964 Thanks this.
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