Halvor Lines, Superior, WI: No longer worth it

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by snowbegone, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Bozwik

    Bozwik Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2022
    Mars, USA
    It doesn't matter if they find out I'm posting here or not. I can't stand being lied to or treated with disrespect. They only want you to post happy thoughts about the company. During each 1/4 of the year, about 30 students graduate from Halvor. They told me that they only had 11 trucks available and each one smelled like human feces. All had well over 600k on them. So if there's 30 students graduating within a 1/4 year, how are they providing trucks for the new drivers when all they had was junk?

    Here's what OSHA says about an unhealthy work environment.
    1960.28 - Employee reports of unsafe or unhealthful working conditions. | Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    I just found out that a fellow student who got hired from the same class as me, got a truck w/10,000 miles on it and was very clean.
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  3. teams567

    teams567 Medium Load Member

    Jan 3, 2022
    Can't be. They wouldn't give a brand new truck to a student. First off, they don't have trucks to give. Second, other drivers would find out instantly and that would foster bad sentiment- on top of the growing bad sentiment already out there.

    FMCSA and DOT breathing down their backs right now. Maybe it's done as a temporary loaner?
  4. Bozwik

    Bozwik Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2022
    Mars, USA
    What's mostly upsetting is that the trucks they had were all disgusting, filthy and unsanitary. Even after they said they were detailed, there was no change. To me this was an insult, a total disregard in respect of their new hire employees.

    30 students pass through their school every 3 months on average. During that time they claim they only had 10 trucks available, all with 600k miles on them and skanked out to the max. The truck I finally got was not as nasty but I still had to take it home to get it detailed. 10 hours were spent on it and it's still not where it needs to be.

    By the time I got home with this truck, I had brown snot coming out of my nose, sore throat and coughing from the nastiest thing I've ever been in, lost a lot of sleep. I confronted everyone who could have done some about this to make it right. I even got in control with apparent the CEO's secretary. She says, "what can we do to make this right?" I told her I wanted a clean truck that didn't include health risks. She said there was nothing she could do.

    I type this so others know first hand experience. I just saw where a new recruit got into a newer truck with only 10k miles on it and it still had that new car (truck) smell. They posted it on their Facebook page, a page that no one is to bad mouth the company. They wouldn't allow this to be posted on their Facebook even though it told the facts.

    They would probably refer to this as badmouthing, I refer to it as factual. I was disrespected and insulted to think that maybe these trucks represented what I would accept as a way of life. A total disregard to my own well being. They said, "go out and find a truck you like among all those we have to offer, and that's what they had to offer.

    They assumed maybe this is the way a person like me lives, so what does it matter? Surely he can tolerate these living conditions while working here at Halvor... again, they had a chance, among all those people involved and heard my complaint. It was not investigated, not taken seriously, and a waste of time. It's an insult when people smile through their teeth with excuses that didn't add up. This is how Halvor treats their employees, being deceitful behind smiling faces.

    They had one chance... "what can we do to make this right?"
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
    Gearjammin' Penguin and Lonesome Thank this.
  5. idriveaholden

    idriveaholden Super Heavy Hauler

    Mar 14, 2018
    where’s the pictures
  6. Bozwik

    Bozwik Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2022
    Mars, USA
    I have pictures but they don't tell the whole story. Picture cannot provide scratch and sniff aroma like in a Victoria's Secret magazine. Pictures can't provide that carbon monoxide feel that sticks to the walls, cupboards, fabric, seats, window... everything that's inside of the rig. But yes, I do have pictures.
  7. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Carbon monoxide is colorless, and odorless
    TB John Thanks this.
  8. Bozwik

    Bozwik Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2022
    Mars, USA
    So what you're saying is that it's safe? Cigarette smoke consists of many chemicals, including nicotine, tar with its many carcinogens, and gaseous compounds including carbon monoxide (CO).

    Tobacco residue is present in dust and on surfaces throughout places where smoking has occurred. This toxic sticky residue can reemit (off-gas) back into the air and recombine to form harmful substances that remain at high levels long after smoking has stopped.
  9. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Never said a word about it being safe, or unsafe. All I said is that Carbon Monoxide is colorless, and odorless.
  10. idriveaholden

    idriveaholden Super Heavy Hauler

    Mar 14, 2018
    So the truck was fine, just some1 smoked in it.
    trucking has one of the highest percentage of smokers , get used to it
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  11. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    If he thinks smoking residue is bad he should get in a truck after somebody who chews gets out. Unless they're really tidy and keep a good spit cup handy it can get ugly real quick. That's just the interior. I'm not counting the brown streak down the left side of the cab and sleeper.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
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