Carhartt clothing

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by stacks, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Ace hardware carries them here
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  3. brsims

    brsims Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Meadville, PA
    Got my first Carhart jacket for this past winter. It was a gift, as I generally refuse to spend that much money on myself (unless it's for my car). Definitely worth the money! The jacket survived an entire winter season of steel and pipe hauling without a single mark, is warm, and does an excellent job of stopping the wind and rain. They may be a bit pricey, but they are worth every penny. I'm adding the bib coveralls for next winter.
    SheepDog Thanks this.
  4. G.Anthony

    G.Anthony Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    I try not to spend too much money myself especially for "some" work clothing. I have not too much good luck when working around the load, trailer or tractor. Something always catches my clothing, and ripping it. So as a result, I buy not cheap, but inexpensive outer wear. I generally buy from Wear Guard a uniform specialty company, near me.

    Then if I get a tear in the clothing, a simple trip to the tailor, and he sews it up. I wish I could have bought the Carhatt brand, but with my luck? I'd be ticked off at the first tear, like I'd be ticked off at the first scratch on a brand new car!
  5. brsims

    brsims Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Meadville, PA
    Trust me, get a Carhart. Like I said, an entire season of steel (which rips through clothing) and pipe. Just make sure the jacket fits properly, not a lot of loose material. They are made out of heavy canvas with lining, and very tear resistant. I had a Dickie (similar to the Carhart, but not the same) that got shredded in its first year. The Carhart is still like new, and ready to go for next winter.
    G.Anthony Thanks this.
  6. Tonythetruckerdude

    Tonythetruckerdude Crusty Deer Slayer

    Dec 8, 2012
    hunting...../ retired
    Great stuff. We get them at the Tractor Supply stores in my area. NC.
  7. okiedokie

    okiedokie Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2011
    Carhartt tee shirts and pants. The best.
  8. Clamhammer

    Clamhammer Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2015
    I buy them from harbor saw and supply. 29.99 a pair of logger knee dungarees.
  9. raylittlebear

    raylittlebear Light Load Member

    Montana thats where I buy mine and I am always warm
  10. CrappieJunkie

    CrappieJunkie Wishin' I was fishin'

    Mar 9, 2014
    In a van down by the River.
    Wouldnt wear nice stuff on road. I about ripped my jacket today at customer because barely fit between two trailers cause were so close. Had to keep shoulders lower than both trailers to crank landing gear.
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