Said I need sleep study, gave me 2 year card?

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by tjcase85, May 3, 2015.

  1. tjcase85

    tjcase85 Bobtail Member

    Apr 23, 2014
    I just got a new job and did my pre employment dot physical with a new doctor. I have since lost 10 lbs from my last physical. I am in great shape. I was the same size and weight in the Marines 8 years ago. I'm a buff build and workout daily. The doc said I am right at 35 bmi and 17 inch neck. He told me I have 2 years to get a sleep study and he is going to put it on file so I have to get one done in the next two years? When exactly did this go in effect? I've had 4 dot physicals the last 12 months and never a word said. I'm new to this because docs usually see I am in great shape and my blood pressure is great. Any suggestions? Sure I could lose about 10 lbs and it would out me under 35 bmi. Will that allow me not to get one? I would end up having to lose some muscle though.
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  3. 25(2)+2

    25(2)+2 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    the road less travelled
    It seems to be at the discretion of the provider of the service. Since you are borderline, he is giving you a 2 year card and that time to get a study done.

    There are numerous threads on the issue,(do a search) but bottom line, he has it in your records now as to needing a sleep study. You may well pass a sleep study with no need for intervention, and the feds have changed treatment regulations to where solutions other than CPAP may be used where OSA is diagnosed.
  4. tjcase85

    tjcase85 Bobtail Member

    Apr 23, 2014
    Can't believe it. Just got into the industry. I'm being punished for being in shape! Now I gotta pay tons of money to let them know I sleep good. If I do have it, do I lose my cdl or is it okay with treatment? If it gets to costly I'll find another occupation.
  5. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Winter Haven, Florida
    You can get the sleep study thru the VA for free. If you have it you'll get your cpap and other supplies free also. When I went thru the cpap orientation with the VA there were 4 of us old guys and a young man that was quite fit.
  6. Anonymousproxy

    Anonymousproxy Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    That's why I don't agree with this whole BMI garbage. It doesn't take in consideration what body fat % the patient has, and assumes we are all supposed to be in perfect shape or we could lose driving privileges just for having a few extra pounds. Not only that, lately it seems like they are Hell-bent on make EVERY little twitch, scratch, blemish, etc into a friggin disorder,, and what, so the ambulance chasers can keep sueing us mostly for crashes caused by idiot 4 wheelers? It puzzles me as to why the drivers and companies aren't taking a stronger stand against FMCSA's stupidity, instead of this spineless "it's the law so we'll just start blindly obeying" garbage. THIS INDUSTRY NEEDS TO GET A SPINE!!! Ok , rant over.
  7. tjcase85

    tjcase85 Bobtail Member

    Apr 23, 2014
    The VA told me in not eligible due to my discharge. It's a complicated story but it was medical related and it happened when I was in the reserves. So I don't get anything from it, even though it happened during training weekend. I would have to pay out of pocket for it.
  8. tjcase85

    tjcase85 Bobtail Member

    Apr 23, 2014
    I can't believe it either. I look about 210lbs but I weigh in at 255. I can bench press over 375. Kinda embarrassing when they basically are saying I'm obese. I'm never tired during the day, now I have to prove that to them? My fat % is around 11 last time I checked. It's not fair, because I'm a buff build, I have to pay money to get this crap done.

    Since this is my build size, do I have to get a sleep study done each time forever now?
  9. CrappieJunkie

    CrappieJunkie Wishin' I was fishin'

    Mar 9, 2014
    In a van down by the River.
    I think you and I went to same doctor because same thing happened to me lol. Exact same wording. Mine was one year though because of diabetes. I dont have luxury of the va, so, i dont know. Im 5'11 268. Neck size 17. Bmi is like 35. So i feel your pain.
  10. tjcase85

    tjcase85 Bobtail Member

    Apr 23, 2014
    Do I take a test? There is no law in the books yet about it. Technically I haven't been diagnosed with it . Some drivers are telling me not to take it because I'll always have to deal with it. They didn't even measure my height btw. Just went by what my license said.
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