Worried about being sent home..

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by 2Tatted95, May 16, 2018.

  1. 2Tatted95

    2Tatted95 Bobtail Member

    May 13, 2018
    Hello all, I leave Saturday for prime psd training. As the title suggests, I'm worried about being sent home. Since August of last year, I've had a handful of jobs. I've even been fired from one. (Well, I worked for this company for a day. All I did was go to orientation. The next day they wanted me to travel way too far for what they were paying me. I never said anything back to anyone from said company so not sure if I got fired or if that was considered quitting?) Anyway I did the online application and I put down every job I've had in the past 3 years. Some of the dates may be off a few days but I'm worried to death that will get me sent home. Trucking is the career that I want to do but it took several mediocre jobs for me to realize that.
    frankez1975 Thanks this.
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  3. Rubber duck kw

    Rubber duck kw Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    I don't think they care if you've had a different job every month but I could be wrong.
    Odin's Rabid Dog and 2Tatted95 Thank this.
  4. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Well, it's not good to have too many jobs. Ive had 50 or more in my life time. (Nothing much since 2009 thankfully...) so it was always a nightmare for me going to orientation.

    One in particular with Covenant sent me home first day at lunch (Never mind the 30 hour bus ride the previous day to get there in a winter storm situation, it's another 16 hours back in good weather) Because Covenant maintains a database with a group of 14 other MEGAS separate from DAC entirely online I was able to uncover that they consider me not just unhireable but also personanongrata due to my hearing situation which I brought against them with FMCSA involved. They are literally the only potential or actual employer standing outside of any records held by Social Security and the IRS etc. That tells any employer that I had been fired from Orientation first day and sent home. This is back in 1996.

    When you consider close to 50 or so jobs doing things I want to do, I have had to go through several of these. But nothing like Covenant. I hate to pick on them so much because it's such water under the bridge and ancient history. But it is a example of how sometimes a failed orientation will follow you through your entire life for as long that company still exists.

    That was the other reason I managed to get by so many years in this industry. Companies come and companies go. With them sometimes go the really bad stuff. When they don't exist anymore there is literally nothing for the potential employer to call and talk to or check on my history other than higher level records. In today's POST 9-11 situation, you MUST account for ALL time going back 7 to 10 years. Even if you stayed home as a caregiver as I did once for 6 some years fighting cancer with spouse. She finally woke up in year 7 for which I am always grateful. But I carried her for 6 years after chemo made sure that she isnt much good for anything other than bed time.

    That accounts for that period of time not working to a employer back then. And so I was hired. This was in the 2000's time period after 9-11 and yes it's not difficult to follow up that story and time claim and show that yes the chemo and cancer etc exists in records.

    I did not spend 6 years in a terrorist camp learning how to kill the president. /snarky. Follow me? It's just a accounting for your time.

    As far as travel.

    You can go anywhere in the USA at any time with enough money. ATS hired me once, but had to wait three months before I finished washing dishes to have over a thousand dollars cash in my pocket. I literally worked a fast food joint washing dishes 6 nights a week for 3 some months at home and pocketed the net pay. Then I called ATS and asked for a orientation ticket. They bought me a airline ticket and I was there in a hour. Talk about first class. That story develops from there but life is like that sometimes. There is nothing impossible in America provided you have the time and you have the money.
  5. RedBeardedT

    RedBeardedT Bobtail Member

    Nov 8, 2017
    I got a job with a similar type of company, and I hadn't had a job for more than 7 months solid in the past 8 years, 6 different jobs, (fired from 3) most at 3 or 4 months, with a year or so break in between while I traveled around the US, did some wwoofing on small farms. You should be fine.
    2Tatted95 Thanks this.
  6. UsualSuspect

    UsualSuspect Road Train Member

    Aug 14, 2016
    Yo Mama's
    I would not worry too much about it, just be honest about the jobs, why you left, and what you learned from it. I have to ask, if a job sent you too far from home and you never went back or called anyone, what do you think an OTR jobs does? I would make sure you have a good answer for it, and if it was in the last year or two I would make sure they understood you have no intention of doing it again and understand you will be away. Nothing like an impression you will abandon the truck wherever and walk because your outside your home zone.
    2Tatted95 Thanks this.
  7. 2Tatted95

    2Tatted95 Bobtail Member

    May 13, 2018
    Haha, Yeah I completely understand what OTR is. It's actually what I want to do. I love traveling however with that company, it was a construction job & they wanted me to commute a few hours to work daily and back home. For what they were paying me, it wouldn't make since for me to do that.
    hagarcobra and UsualSuspect Thank this.
  8. jammer910Z

    jammer910Z Road Train Member

    May 28, 2015
    You'll be fine.
    As long as you were honest and inclusive, they likely could care less about a few days.
    If they're that big a stickler... they might be doing you a favor.
  9. Looking for advice

    Looking for advice Bobtail Member

    Sep 17, 2016
  10. Looking for advice

    Looking for advice Bobtail Member

    Sep 17, 2016
    If you don’t mind me asking what online data base is that? I left kllm before getting my permit and I just applied at prime but I didn’t mention kllm. Now I’m curious if prime and kllm are apart of that group, if so I’m screwed.
  11. plankton

    plankton Medium Load Member

    Jan 9, 2015
    I'd like to know more about this database, too. Which 14 companies? I'd like to add them to my list of companies to never work for.
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