Finally got my own truck

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by BoyWander, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. IrishIndian

    IrishIndian Bobtail Member

    Dec 28, 2019
    I've been researching that option as well. 65% vs 85% or 90% in the case of MAG. Seems there is money to be had in the flatbed/step deck market as well if your willing to get your hands dirty. Seems a 53' step with a 10 to 11' top deck would offer the most versatility as well as being able to handle multiple partials. There is the upfront cost with buying tarps, chains etc. But it seems it would pay dividends in the long run.
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
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  3. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I never said don't be taking 400 mile hauls for $900. I said don't ever be taking 400 mile hauls in the midwest for $900. At the time it would have been a stupid thing to do as many parts of the midwest have usually paid better than that and always have. In 2019 things are different so not so much so. I was probably referring to reefer rates too. Van rates have been garbage for several years now even during alleged busy times. Get out here and give it a go is the best way to learn.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  4. BoyWander

    BoyWander Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2011
    I see you guys have kept my thread going for m.

    I'm alive. Took couple weeks off for holidays.

    On the road now.

    I grossed about $103k last year.
    Absolutely terrible. But then again I didn't run for the first 6 weeks of the year, I took a bunch of time off in the summer because of losing my dad, etc. I think i still avg like $1.80 loaded?
    I did a lot of midwest to Reno and back. It was very difficult to get anything more than $7,000 on a 4000-4200 mile round trip. #### money for the mileage, but not so bad.

    I got so #### tired of fighting with brokers for money that I said fck it, ill just deal with with them twice a week instead of every fcking day.

    I plan on working a crap ton this year.
    My CPA depreciated my truck over 3 years so last year was it. So coming into this year, my corporation will be working with about $75,000 in the red that will carry over, might not have to pay much in taxes after this year, even if I do well.

    I quit smoking cigs again. Day 3. Nicorette and vape stick. Stopped in at Bossleman Grand Island and bought some more juice.
    I really need to stick with it this time. 20 years of smoking. Not good, Brandon. You can do better.

    Last year was just a #### year all the way around. Working life and personal life.

    I'm coming into this year with a better, more positive mindset. I mean, I think I generally have a positive mindset, haven't always been like that, but its so easy to get discouraged and get down on yourself. Especially when you deal with chronic depression. Hoping quitting cigs will lift some of that black cloud from over my head. I have goals and dreams, and I need to start focusing on making them a reality instead of keeping them as merely dreams, and this journey I'm on as an O/O is key to doing that.

    One thing I learned last year.
    The brokers DO keep your # in their system.
    Ill post my truck and the ONLY time CHR or XPO calls (which has been seldom) is when they need my truck. They must know that Im going to throw them a high rate. So they don't even bother calling unless they're prepared to pay.
    And I wasn't even expensive last year. I couldn't be. But expensive is relative. When you got people running around for $1.50 a mile, $1.80 is expensive.

    I don't know how these people operate so #### cheaply.
    Actually, I do know how they do it. I'm just not going to mention it on this thread.

    Maybe this new clearinghouse will reduce capacity. Maybe the doubling of drug test rates will reduce capacity. Hopefully.

    Today I was driving thru Nebraska just minding my own business in the right lane @ 65mph when a 4 wheeler decided to cut me off and slam their brakes. Idk if they were fixing to take the exit that was right there or what. No idea.

    Always keep a dashcam. And make sure the red light is blinking so you know its recording.
    I can't even take off without it working.

    I would like to do more regional stuff but this 200 mile $400-$450 a load thing is just trash. Or 350 miles $650.
    I know MI is a ####hole for freight. But come on.

    I think I could do a couple 200 mile loads a day. But $1200 is what I would need for that. And its just that the load selection hasn't been there. Its been kinda slim pickins and crap goes quick.

    Anyways I grabbed this load out of Flint Tuesday, half going to Denver friday morning, the other half to Phoenix for Monday morning.
    2,200 total miles, $5800. It has been posted for a laughable $4500. I knew theyd call me and I said Id commit for $6,000. Which is okay. Not great but meh. Phoenix isn't great. He said $5800 all in, which idk was true or not, but I fathomed its probably true. So i said ok. Just wanted to get rolling. I dont even care anymore. Just want to start making some revenue at this point.

    Id like to save up a bunch and go see the Big 10 tournament this March. It is shaping up to be a really good season for the conference. Go Blue!

    K goodnight.
    njt1313, CaptainDaveG, Svmuel and 17 others Thank this.
  5. dunchues

    dunchues Medium Load Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    new brunswick
    Good to hear you're getting up again, looking forward to your updates.
    Rideandrepair and Bean Jr. Thank this.
  6. Farmerbob1

    Farmerbob1 Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2017
    I'm going to ignore all the rest of this and concentrate on the important part. Quitting as a long-term smoker is horrible and painful and there are days you will want to be an evil person because you are in withdrawal.

    I started smoking at 17, and quit at 39. I am now 48. I know what you are going through to quit, but I will admit that your life situation has had more ups and downs than mine did at the time I quit.

    It would probably be a good idea for the next few weeks to work longer loads, to minimize how often you have to interact with brokers, shippers, receivers, and various other flavors of annoying people.

    Smoking is a nasty habit to kick. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs known to man.

    I have two suggestions.

    First, if there are any things you do that you ALWAYS did when smoking, try to change things up a bit. For me, it was getting into my pickup truck. I had an almost-ritual of getting ready to drive. Get in the truck. Seatbelt on. Engine on. Window down. Cigarette lit. Cigarette pack and lighter put in the little holder designed for them. That 'ritual' gave me fits. I clearly had to break it. It broke me when I tried to quit, too many times. The last time I quit, the successful time, I recognized that it was a problem, and mentally prepared myself for it before I got into my truck, every time. It took me over a year before I stopped reaching for my shirt pocket every time I got in my Ranger. I *still* catch myself doing it from time to time when I'm on home time.

    Second, ignore any minor or even moderate weight gain. Nicotine is a stimulant. Smoking does slightly increase your baseline metabolism. Quit smoking, let your diet stay the same, and you will gain weight. Ignore it for a while unless you find yourself switching from smoking to junk food as a substitute habit. Try not to let that happen. If you do find yourself with uncontrollable eating urges, try to keep things like pork rinds, beef jerky, and veggie cups handy. Being super-fat will kill you almost as fast as smoking will. Adding twenty or even forty pounds won't. Once you are past the first few weeks of quitting, try to pick up your activity level a bit if you are continuing to gain weight.

    I succeeded in quitting. I succeeded in avoiding the switching of fixation from smoking to eating. However, after quitting, I gained 40 lbs over the next 5 years. Then I got in a truck and have gained another 40 lbs. I am definitely nowhere near a paragon of physical fitness. However, I will say that I'm confident that my eating habits have not changed. Unfortunately, they need to. My metabolism is not what it once was, both due to smoking, and due to getting into a truck. I ignored part of my second advice to you, so clearly I'm asking you to do what I say, not what I do. At least so far. I have started trying to work myself up into a real food lifestyle change, but that's tough on a truck, as you know.

    Quitting is a wonderful AND horrible thing. Try to distance yourself from others for the first few weeks to avoid saying or doing things that you might regret. Actively work to change or at least identify and be prepared for dealing with behaviors that used to be part of 'smoking rituals.' Don't let your addiction flip to overeating food, BUT don't obsess or be worried if you gain a few lbs.
  7. spyder7723

    spyder7723 Road Train Member

    Mar 31, 2013
    sarasota, fl
    I got to try to quit again before I get back home. My boy said something that was real hard to hear. He needed cigarettes for his shirt pocket. So that's that, I got to quit. there's a lot of things I want hin to pick up on from me but this cancer causing addiction ain't one of them.
  8. Driver Eight

    Driver Eight Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Truth is, there is no "quitting". Only managing to stop for periods of time, which may be termed in a current mode as "indefinitately". One day at a time as they say. I've had plenty of experience quitting addictions, which does not necessarily refer to drugs/smoking or alcohol. What I have success comes with a change in mentality. I do not have to become emotional if I fail to maintain perfection. People can fail a thousand times before they succeed. I only have to maintain my effort and refocus my focus when I relapse. I've been off all crutches off and on various times for decades. But as a nod to being homosapian, I fail. You make things worse I have found, if you get all up in feelings when you make concessions to your humanity via relapse into a bad habit. For years now, I may have an occasional cigarette. Sometimes just to have a private celebration of an accomplishment standing next to my truck or in the backyard. OR, YES, even in a moment of weakness when something bothers me, I'll relent. Just keep positive as much as you can, don't dwell on failure. Most importantly, remember to reaffirm your positives. You'll be amazed how much telling yourself something good works. I do have confidence that I can limit myself to reasonable amounts of 'failure' if you will. Because I accept that I'll never be perfect and refuse to beat myself up if I had a cigarette after 7 months of not. I think that helps.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  9. BoyWander

    BoyWander Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2011
    The coffee is hard. I have been drinking coffee nearly every day for 2 years. When I have coffee, I have a cigarette. Id probably probably smoke 5 cigarettes in the first two hours of the day with that coffee.

    I have nicorette and my vape stick. So im getting my nicotene fix. But the nicotene isn't the hardest part. Its the habit. Cigarettes are ####ing great with coffee and after a nice meal.

    I dont eat a whole lot on the road, probably because coffee suppresses the appetite.

    I had a small cup yesterday and had a small cup today.

    I have tried quitting many times. Each time I remember how nasty a cigarette tasted after not having one for a few days. And to be honest, they do taste nasty. They make everything stink like smoke. And they cost money. I keep reaching down for my pack. And instead of feeling bad and down because I don't have them, I turn that upside down and think positively, i think positive when I realize they're not there, because it means Ive accomplished something small.

    I can breathe a little better and i can smell the air a little better. Also feel a little better, physically and mentally.

    Just going to keep on giving myself encouragement and positive feedback.
    Instead of thinking about what you dont have, think about what you do have, and what you could have.

    There are too many trucks on the road.
    I wish Swift and Werner would bite the dust along with Celadon.

    I also wish they would increase training standards. Its easier to get a class A CDL than it is to get a license to cut someone's hair for money.

    Btw I haven't heard from Captain Dave in quite a while. I miss his phone calls. I cant figure out if I was ever rude to him on the phone or something, if I offended him in any way. I always looked forward to his calls every couple weeks. Has anyone heard from him??
  10. 88228822

    88228822 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 26, 2018
    I recommend the book "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking"
  11. mitrucker

    mitrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Lapeer, MI
    Since I’ve quit smoking I’ve gained weight. What keeps me from picking cigarettes back up is the fact that if I have one, then I have to quit again and that sucks!!!!!
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