Okay so here’s the deal we got a sterling 9522 with a wore out Detroit 60 series in it, boss wants to over haul it this spring I know essentially nothing about them, but I know it needs all the help it can get performance wise, my understanding is marine injectors and cam are the biggest injectors and cam you can get for them is this correct and what are the part numbers for said injectors and cam? Do they make high flow fuel pumps for these engines or is that not an issue? Where in Missouri can I get it tuned? Would love to get it up from the 500 hp at 2100 to about 650 or so at 23-2500 rpm
2000 model detroit 60 12.7 performance upgrades
Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by Cb367, Jan 11, 2025.
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Banker and singlescrewshaker Thank this.
Banker Thanks this.
pavrom and blairandgretchen Thank this.
I went to a larger injector, like a 9 hole from a 7 hole? I sent my ECM to DCS Control services , Fernando De Moura. He used to work at Pittsburgh Power. He opens them up, fixes any issues, replaces battery, tunes on a test bench for hours to whatever you want, and sends them back. I think I settled on a 550/2100 tune. When I had the trans gone through, the input shaft was replaced with a beefier one.
Like @Banker , a 'Full tilt' one piece ported polished manifold, and 7" exhaust with flow through inserts. I went Fleet Air filters to make sure it had all the air it needed. I have the BW171702 turbo, hasn't given me any issues.
I'd start with your engine serial number, and do some research to find what you can do with it. Mine is not the engine with the piston cooler nozzles. Cam is whatever it came with.
I have a good mechanic that rebuilds in or out of frame, rebuilds transmissions, cuts counterbores in this area. He stands behind his work, but may not if you're intending to make a fire-breather. He is here just east of Joplin.
There's 2 other diesel performance shops just east of Springfield but I have not had experience with them.
It's not as strong as my N-14 was, but it seems to do a good job - like banker said it gets to the top of the hill at a decent rate.
I have a feeling the whole 'marine cam and injectors' and I've heard 'Australian Fire truck' tunes - are more to do with EPA and the like's regulatory emissions parameters - than physical parts and tunes.
Do some searching in this forum and you'll find a lot of pointers and information.
Oh - and do the bullhead if you're going to inframe.Banker Thanks this. -
@benjamin260_6 seems to be fairly knowledgable on this subject.
Banker Thanks this. -
I forgot about my fleet air and larger injectors until Blair mentioned his. The air filters definitely flow more air because you can tell a huge difference in the sound of the turbo with them or without them. @blairandgretchen I am coming your way Monday. Can you see that the side streets and dealer lot in Sedalia is fairly clear?
Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
blairandgretchen Thanks this. -
You’re welcome. -
Speedy356 and blairandgretchen Thank this.
Pittsburgh Power can get give that Detroit some power. They don’t sell the Power Box anymore but can put custom tune in the ECM.
blairandgretchen Thanks this.
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