2015 up to date KLLM ruined FFE, no good snake in the grass company enuf said.

Discussion in 'FFE Lisa American Eagle' started by sunflower01, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. sunflower01

    sunflower01 Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    don't trust the lies, school will not teach good back up skills, driver managers have god like complexes, long waits hey if the wheels are not turning your not earning.

    just a big mistake not female friendly for drivers, don't care about your personal stuff, I guess they don't understand a truckers life, its way different then lets say, you miss out on a lot of family things, driver manager forget they get to go home at the end of the day.

    I don't think not one has been a truck driver, how many times has the company changed names this is for a reason, for you folks old scholars yeah FFE was a good company at one time but just like most companies out there things are a changing, and its not for the good

    just look around you what do you see more foreign drivers that have fake CDL s cant read English, would rather spit on an American then have a friendly conversation.

    no more friendly talk on the CB just to help keep you going, I think driver forgot to give the big rig lots of room before you cut their nose off during a pass and this is other truck drivers

    . pride and respect have gone out the window, this dose not apply to everyone but I'm sure you see it and its getting worst.

    I feel in training respect and proper CB use should be taught, I feel no cell phones in truck, or not able to use in truck have to be out of truck to use, or in back of cab. to many kids playing games while driving watch out they will record you and people soft records every sound you make

    . well I'm gonna go free agent, supply my own stuff , be as cool as can with all truckers respect and get on that CB and help a driver out if he is tired, get out of the hamster cage, own your life go independent .
    rholl32 and lots of character Thank this.
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    FLATBED Road Train Member

    If you are so HUNG UP on the CB RADIO why not just sit at home and get a BIG OLD BASE STATION and save yourself from the day to day hassles of being on the road.
  4. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    559710, waving my hand at you from down here in South Central Illinois . . . . . ARRRRRRRDEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    Ugh. I want to strangle them with the co-ax.
  5. Canned Spam

    Canned Spam Road Train Member

    Mar 8, 2010
    That's good, I'm gonna steal that and use it later sometime....ha
    FLATBED Thanks this.
  6. ‘Olhand

    ‘Olhand Cantankerous Crusty

    Jan 18, 2011
    FFE ruined FFE....more precisely the 2d generation....all Klem did was buy up the pieces at a nickel on the dollar....
  7. sunflower01

    sunflower01 Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    wow this is what I meant, see how you are this is a tool to help out one another to tell each other about the cops hiding and help each other stay awake, just pain keep from being board. why I don't make money at home why are you so hateful, maybe you need some home time. just sayin
    rholl32 Thanks this.
  8. sunflower01

    sunflower01 Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    could be I tried to stay out of the B.S, but I was dragged in, so sad.
  9. sunflower01

    sunflower01 Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    is there a new way to talk to other drivers Mr.Flatbed, no disrespect intended besides using the middle finger, because the way you said big ol' BAse station sound like you have a new idea,
    maybe a money maker would love to hear your idea,
    we truckers have lots of time to think about stuff so maybe you are this brilliant driver who talks to himself about great inventions. o_O
    rholl32 Thanks this.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    no disrespect intended besides using the middle finger,:rolleyes: you know where you shove that FINGER , time for you to grow up and forget the CB CRAZE from years past and if you need the CB to keep you awake your an accident looking for a place to happen and its BORED not BOARD .

    Anyway your not worth wasting time on so I will not respond to your goofy post's in the future so lets hit the IGNORE sunflower01 button :) and in case you cannot understand what it does "IT ENSURES I DO NOT SEE YOUR POSTS " so replying directly to me does no good as I do not see it
  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    Spokane, WA
    Fine and dandy for NY, but in my area CB radios save lives daily. Come on over and run the river roads, and when you come around a corner and hit a pile of shale rock sitting in the road you will figure out why drivers use CB radios! Feel free to ignore me too, don't really want to waste much breath on a person who joins a discussion forum, then hits the ignore button so gleefully!
    rholl32, OldHasBeen and sunflower01 Thank this.
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