70 mph or faster trucks.

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ed41041972, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. JGarrick1940

    JGarrick1940 Light Load Member

    Jun 15, 2018
    A&R transport run 70 plus
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  3. New/OldSchoolTrucker89

    New/OldSchoolTrucker89 Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2017
    I am governed at 65 MPH Cruise, 68 MPH Pedal and honestly I’m perfectly happy with that. Never use cruise though, lol.

    I wouldn’t want to go any faster then 70 MPH though. Just how I feel. Used to work for Prime who would push and say how great it would be if drivers would drive 55 MPH. One driver said he drives 50 MPH in most areas.

    In my opinion slower trucks/traffic is more of a concern than faster vehicles as long as your vehicle is in good shape and you’re paying attention.
    Coffey and Upinsmoke Thank this.
  4. LoneRanger

    LoneRanger Road Train Member

    Jun 3, 2018

    That’s nothing, I have a yard tell me I need to wear a safety vest in my truck and it has to be zipped up, I asked them with a serious voice if I need to be wearing the vest while I’m resting in the bunk or while on the toilet. They didn’t seem to want to answer that question.

    As far as 70mph well if it ain’t my truck and my money going in the tank why should I care.
    BlueThunderr, Digger130 and Upinsmoke Thank this.
  5. Upinsmoke

    Upinsmoke Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2019
    Shipex has 70 mph trucks.
    Fuel quality can also affect your mileage.
    Gotta have passing power when you need it..I hate getting stuck in a pack of trucks..
    Coffey and Digger130 Thank this.
  6. Twin Sticks

    Twin Sticks Bobtail Member

    Jul 23, 2019
    I have my own authority and run whatever I want. With an ISX 600 / 2050 backed with an 18 speed just push the throttle in the big hole.:biggrin_25521:
    Coffey and Upinsmoke Thank this.
  7. Lpirtle

    Lpirtle Light Load Member

    Oct 11, 2019
    Owensboro, ky
    With Jrayl, the speed governor setting seems to vary from truck to truck.
    The local trainer's truck was set at 68 MPH, the OTR trainer's truck was set at 65 MPH. My solo truck is set at 70 mph.
    Coffey and Upinsmoke Thank this.
  8. Veteran driver

    Veteran driver Medium Load Member

    Aug 24, 2010
    De Moines. IA
    Polo Transport. Waterloo, IA. 75
    New Bell. Chesterfield VA. 75
    Grady Hudson (Reefer, Conestoga, dry van) Grand Forks ND. 75
    Liberty Trucking (Dry van) Richmond va. 75
    B&R Cattle and Hauling Rosemount. MN (Reefer outfit). 70
    BlueThunderr and Upinsmoke Thank this.
  9. BlueThunderr

    BlueThunderr Medium Load Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    update on this one...B&R Cattle is now 72mph (at least the reefer division is)
    Veteran driver Thanks this.

    HOTWHEELZ35 Bobtail Member

    Mar 15, 2023
    Anyone who agrees with that quote that you just said would be high potential for major danger if they were driving a truck, the economy engineering and the skill set to drive these Majestic machines is only going to get faster and if you don't believe that then you shouldn't be driving, most importantly people who think driving that fast are actually the most distracted drivers and they say that so that they can cover their ### when they're on the phone or doing other dumb #### instead of paying attention, the ironic thing about it is Street Racers don't text and drive, but regular traffic will cut off a semi at high speeds without so much as a simple turning signal before merging,
    Rubber duck kw Thanks this.
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