Arnold just like all the others

Discussion in 'Arnold' started by centralnyguy, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    they do talk a good talk. and actually if usa is what I hear then i'm sure it will be a step up for ya. good luck
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  3. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    i appreciate it. dont get me wrong, i liked USA but they kept horrible maint. on their trucks and didn't give a #### if they were clean or not.
    they are 100% owned by USX now, BTW.
  4. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    I figured they would be. they said they would be by now. It's not all bad. USX has some nice teminals and you get to use them. I highly suggest you get your truck worked on at the USX terminals instead of Arnold. The grand prarie shop would have you laid up for days just for a PM. I used to wait untill I got near the USX terminal in Oklahoma city and then tell them I had something broken that needed repair. USX barely uses that terminal anymore since they don't do as much west to east runs anymore and it's a big nice terminal. you can usually get straight into the shop.
    panhandlepat Thanks this.
  5. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    thks for that tip!! 1/2 day to go!! seems they are REALLY REALLY focused on safety here from todays agenda.
  6. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    ya they sure push the safety but you will fin it's like any other company. Once you get your DM they try to push ya. Mine would love to give me a bunch of drops that would take all day, then reload and wonder why I couldn't deliver 200 miles away the same day even though I spent 10 hours unloading. I really started to wonder if the dm's even knew the rules
  7. Thomas0810

    Thomas0810 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    BlueRidge Texas
    what is arnolds hometime policy?
  8. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    what they say is weekly for regional and like two weks for super regional. Although it will just be 34 hours most the time and I had a fight every weekend to get home. It's why I ended up quiting. they also say they try to get it on the weekend but they don't try very hard, and if they do it will be saturday evening and you leave sunday night or monday morning.
    biggest problem I had is if they don't get you home on the wkend they end up trying to make you sit in the yard over the weekend. see over here every friday they brought me into Dallas where the terminal is. then they try to make you run local stuff because they don't have enough local drivers. then they don't want to let you out of the yard all weekend unless you agree to run the local stuff
  9. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    LOL my DM doesn't seem to be much older than 21
  10. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    i plan to stay out 3-4 weeks (they loved hearing that) and take 3-4 days off policy is quoted as ....
    regional 12-14 days out and 24-36 hours home if you go to their website it will tell you more info
  11. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    right now Arnold is screwing with me by not returning my employment varification to the company I am trying to get on with. They've been holding it for a few days now
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