At what temperature do you idle no matter what, even if you have an apu

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Kenworth6969, Jan 9, 2025.

  1. Kenworth6969

    Kenworth6969 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2020
    Anybody have any experiences where they didn't idle truck at x temperature and something bad happened?
    Anybody have DEF freeze up in system?

    Any different guidelines when you have an apu?

    I've had multiple carriers tell me below 0 you run the truck non stop no matter what.

    What do you think?
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  3. mitmaks

    mitmaks Road Train Member

    May 16, 2014
    Def does freeze up but your truck has coolant lines running to def system and it'll thaw it out when truck is running.
    If I gave treated fuel I can shut off my truck and it's good to -15f but I wouldn't risk it without having spare filters and diesel 911 handy
  4. kylefitzy

    kylefitzy Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2007
    Kansas city,Mo
    Every def system freezes when the trucks not running and it’s cold enough out. Perfectly normal. The truck won’t call for def until everything is up to temperature.

    I never run my truck at night since I have an apu and a bunk heater. Even at -15.
    Oxbow, krupa530, Tb0n3 and 3 others Thank this.
  5. Kenworth6969

    Kenworth6969 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2020
    Ok story time. I tripped out when my truck said I had zero def recently when I woke up, it was sounding all alarms at me and I was like yooo wtf do I got a leak.
    Then thought maybe it's just big ice cube in there and the gauge can't register. :D

    After some driving I was going nuts with the lights flashing, def alarms and derate warning blasting.
    So I got def at the pump and that changed nothing, gauge still showed empty.
    Now I'm pissed so was like I'm gonna show you Mr. DEF System so I went in to store to buy warm bottled DEF to melt that sucker in the tank and it did the trick.

    So was all that "perfectly normal" for the truck to do that?
    I've had many others trucks thoughout my career and that never happened until recently.
  6. wichris

    wichris Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    DEF heater line is bad.
  7. Kenworth6969

    Kenworth6969 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2020
  8. wichris

    wichris Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Engine coolant heats the DEF tank, electric heat line from the tank out. Warms up enough it will thaw out but should have a code for it.
  9. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    When the temperature gets below 40 is when I start using anti-gel and leaving my trailer brakes released. And I always idle but then again I've never had an APU.

    DEF freezes at 12°F, BTW.
    cke, hope not dumb twucker and Numb Thank this.
  10. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Always liked to idle 24/7 when it was 10F or colder. Even running anti gel seemed to risky to bet or hope it works. If you gel up you could be sitting for days waiting to get it going again. It has to warm up or you need a tow to heated shop or some has come put blankets and big heater under truck to warm up things up. It seems a lot cheaper to idle instead.

    you get -0 or colder even the engine has hard time staying warm at idle.
    W923, hope not dumb twucker and Numb Thank this.
  11. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    If I remember correctly the company that hired me say never shut engine off at 10f or colder. That was with old diesel fuel. Today diesel fuel gel even more because they took all the stuff out of it. Then add biodiesel to the mix today. You get into the teens temperature it can gel sooner then old diesel.
    hope not dumb twucker and Numb Thank this.
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