Best trucking company in Atlanta, GA that will train you?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by acewild952, Oct 2, 2023.

  1. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    28 mph over the speed limit? Find another type of work. WTF
    Opus Thanks this.
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  3. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    Hey man, crap happens. Once Big Maude tripped over a curb trying to get to the burger line first. She started tumbling down hill. I bet she caught the better end of 50 on the way down. Fortunately, she clipped a tree after about 40 foot.

    *thinking to self

    I still feel bad about those pilgrim’s roof.
  4. SARTAJ4379

    SARTAJ4379 Bobtail Member

    May 27, 2024
    reach out to them company based out of Atlanta ga running flatbed stepdeck and lowboys .
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