Big truck romper room in Louisiana

Discussion in 'Other News' started by TNSquire, Mar 29, 2023.

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  2. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    they need to be arrested and charged with aggressive driving/road rage, and thier CDl's ought to be revoked for life.

    we do not need any more morons on our roads.
  3. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    F’n idiots!
    Did it occur to those morons that someone may have already contacted the Louisiana State Police and they’re looking at that video?
    Those jokers need to be pulled out of their trucks and their skulls cracked!
  4. cuzzin it

    cuzzin it Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Berea, KY
    America is experiencing a Emotional Maturity shortage... I takes one to know one, so i am sure thats the problem
  5. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    I had a guy try to do that with me earlier today.
    Was on highway 65 in arkansas, he was a flatbed from Modular, running 40/45 then we get to a 3 lane pass zone 65/70 in a 55.
    I finally fell back and got a break and blew his doors off and he was coming into my lane, but he wasn’t fast enough.
    I got by and he ran as close to my trailer as possible until i turned and went up Leslie hill, then he was someone else’s problem
  6. ducnut

    ducnut Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    So startling. So crazy. So scary. :rolleyes:
    The Railsplitter Thanks this.
  7. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
  8. The Railsplitter

    The Railsplitter Medium Load Member

    Jan 23, 2023
    "BFE... and lovin' it!"
    Jeez... I'd do my best to get away from idiots like that, and with a fast truck I could do it. But I remember an incident where some fool tried to pass on the right as he was running out of real estate in his lane... there was no way he could make it, and nowhere for me to go since someone was on my left. After the moron was forced to hit his brakes and go around the other way, he pulled forward and swerved into my lane, kinda like those idiots in the video. I just backed out of it and let the road rage fooliot get farther down the road... I was in a governed company truck at the time, it only did 68 m.p.h. or whatever, and I didn't feel like getting into it with the fool. Sometimes it's better to let those road rage fooliots pass ya by, karma catches up to 'em sooner or later... maybe in the form of a state trooper. :confused:
    bzinger, Speedy356, Opus and 1 other person Thank this.
  9. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    Do the troopers still moniter the emergency channel on the CB? What is it, channel 9?
    bzinger Thanks this.
  10. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Do you remember the "Goofy Gophers" (from Looney Tunes)?

    Part of their shtick was they were ver-ry polite to each other....pretty much to a fault.

    Looney Tunes - Goofy Gophers Compilation - YouTube

    We (as a society) need a real new dosage (but maybe not a full one :p) of that same attitude--for both on, and off...the pavement. o_O

    -- Lual
    Val_Caldera, bzinger and mjd4277 Thank this.
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