Brokers going broke, filing bonds against 3 in the last 60 days.

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Charlie42, Dec 14, 2022.

  1. Charlie42

    Charlie42 Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2021
    What’s up with the freight brokers going broke recently? I’ve had to file 3 claims against bonds this week after 60 days no pay and no contact in 30. I’ve had brokers go rogue when they just don’t have the cash flow to pay, but 3 in a week done and dusted and I’m sure I’m one of 1000 in line to be paid by the surety. A small brokerage, Bluefin Transportation, emailed us a couple of weeks ago that they’d get the check in the mail and found out yesterday they’re toast. Anyone else running into this lately or just a fluke?
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  3. RustyRod

    RustyRod Light Load Member

    Feb 14, 2021
    Hhhmmmm I better check on one I did a load for, it has been around 40 days and nothing in the mail yet. I know 40 days is somewhat normal in some cases but a phone call won't hurt. Other than that, its been business as usual.
  4. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Always happens when things go South in the economy. Don’t get thousands of dollars into a bunch of fly by night brokers, it will come back to bite you. I would only be dealing with established brokers right now.
  5. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    My max to pay allowed is 30 days. 31st day I start the procedure to file on the brokers bond.
    I haven't had an issue with late payment for a few years. Most brokers I run pay in 7-20 days.
    Good luck with your collection.
  6. Nobroker

    Nobroker Medium Load Member

    Jul 1, 2016
    The sooner they are gone the better.
  7. Charlie42

    Charlie42 Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2021
    I’ve been happy with Truckstop Factoring, even though it’s a debatable topic on this site. It’s worked well for me. So I can’t really blame anyone but myself. Took the jobs even though Truckstop warned me that they weren’t factorable and of 5 taken, 2 took 90+ days and 3 no pays and no more phone number. They do have active bonds and it’s a fairly simple process to file, but $75000 disappears quick if they had an F250 on a load “disappear” as the vendor would go after their entire $75k and probably get the $75k, letting the broker try to get their $ back from the carriers cargo insurance. Could be wrong, but otherwise makes no sense for small brokers to go bust as they have the overhead of a laptop, pina colada, lawn chair and $7.99 for the book “Dummy’s book to not paying for services contracted”
  8. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Same, the ones I use most days 30 days, it’s like you day 7-20. check in mail, one direct deposits his the following Friday on anything turned in by noon Wednesday, he uses that drive axle app for paperwork.
  9. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    If you don't file on the bond you will get zero.
    The broker bond is not to pay for the cargo. It is to pay for the freight. IF the bond is active, file. It only takes a few minutes.

    I have taken brokered loads when the broker had a low credit score. Call broker find out what is what. Agree to rate, required half be wired when I loaded. The other half be wired before I unload. I now have a couple brokers that call me occasionally for work. They got their score increased and I got good paying loads. Win Win.
    Good luck on collections.
  10. Avrakotos

    Avrakotos Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2020
    Id be wary of any "brokerage" that pays half of the money up front after loading. When i see this, i immediately think double broker or scammer. Its one of the ways the parasites of this business further reduce the rate to the trucks by adding another hand into the cookie jar for their cut. Ive seen it happen where broker pays double broker 7000 to move a load. Double broker agrees to pay delivering carrier 10000, half up front but after delivery they disappear. SO broker has to pay twice and scammers make 2k plus probably a fuel advance. Driver has to jump thru hoops to get paid.
  11. Charlie42

    Charlie42 Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2021
    Ya, I’ve never heard of a broker that will pay 1/2 up front. Seems like a uship thing. The broker get their cut the second they dispatch the truck and the bad ones just want you loaded on at any cost or event to you because that relieves them of any liability from losing their commission. I had a load a month ago that was a partial at 16,000lbs. When I showed up to pick up the shipper let me know it was 31000lbs. Obviously couldn’t reach the broker at 4pm PST when they’re on the east coast. Got the shipper in touch with a local heavy haul as they needed it shipped and in Idaho by the next day. Broker called me the next day screaming at me for referring them to someone that could help out because the broker sent me wrong info. Just weird. My 3 claims are all “in processing”, but the surety bond rep let me know it will be 2-3 months at best if I see anything.
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