Carhauler Training

Discussion in 'Car Hauler and Auto Carrier Trucking Forum' started by kpopcowboy, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. Hulld

    Hulld Road Train Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    Upstate NY
    You could work for a company running a 9 car round tripping from terminal to terminal as fast as you can in a team operation.
    After getting some experience you could think about going owner operator with your own private customers as I do but it takes a lot of work and discipline along with a little luck to be successful.
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  3. kpopcowboy

    kpopcowboy Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2022
    Thanks Banker, I really do appreciate all the good advice. Do most auto transport companies pay by the mile, or do any pay by the load? And I’m sure it varies from company to company, but are there a lot of OTR jobs in carhauling?
  4. Capacity

    Capacity Road Train Member

    Jul 28, 2019
    Neenah Wi
    Countryside auto transport , Menasha Wi.
    May be able to help , good luck.
  5. kpopcowboy

    kpopcowboy Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2022
    Thanks a lot for the advice, I think that’s exactly the kind of thing I had in mind. Do you know of any companies that run teams?
    And I do want to work towards becoming an owner op and building my own customer base so I don’t always have to go through brokers. Do you have any tips or advice on how to start laying the groundwork for that? Because it definitely seems like that’s a key to making money with o/o.
  6. Tall Mike

    Tall Mike Road Train Member

    Aug 20, 2014
    New York State
    Proficient, Centurion, and United Road might be worth a look just to get some experience.
  7. Tropsnart

    Tropsnart Road Train Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    Pavilion New York
    Jack Cooper is advertising for new drivers that they'll train you to be a car hauler if you're willing to relocate. Bang up their cars for a year or two, then get your own rig.
  8. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    I resemble that remark! Lol
  9. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Some pay strictly percentage with no load or breakdown pay. Some pay loaded miles to the last stop, plus load and unload pay and breakdown. Some pay all miles loaded and empty at a lower rate but really good money to load and even better money to load a Backhaul. Some even pay hourly. If I were a company driver I wouldn’t really care how I was paid, as long as I could make $2,000-$2,500 a week by working somewhere between 55-65 hours and paid a reasonable wage when the truck was broke down if I did not have a spare to drive. The friends I have who I talk to regularly that are company drivers for various companies and are not looking for new employers, have from 10-25 years in Carhaul make this every week in 5-6 days worked. They don’t slack but they do get paid!
  10. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    May be able to lease it on with Cooper eventually. Supposedly they are entertaining the idea of owner ops again.
  11. asphaltreptile311

    asphaltreptile311 Road Train Member

    Jun 16, 2016
    You can't fit 2 people in a 9 car hauler. Best bet would be pilot or reliable, get in a big truck
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