Companies currently using driver cameras...

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by MACK E-6, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    In all fairness, most western express drivers seem to be driving and tarping loads with their eyes closed most of the time anyways.
    kylefitzy Thanks this.
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  3. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    I actually worked out of a steel mill in Cleveland, OH. I’d wager every third truck was a Western Express truck. We had a hard door to hit, and I was one of the yard guys. It got to the point, just to do my own job, I’d dump my trailer and back theirs into our blindside dock to get my job done, because otherwise you’d have a Western Express driver ####ing up your day. Come to think about it, there’s been several other times I’ve backed a Western Express truck/trailer.

    Some of you reading this, probably know me.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
    JForce28 and Rugerfan Thank this.
  4. Stormmc2

    Stormmc2 Light Load Member

    May 28, 2015
  5. Moving Forward

    Moving Forward Heavy Load Member

    Jan 14, 2014
    New England, USA
    Thanks for the good info. Do you know if Hartt (now Bison USA) still pays one and one-half times their regular pay rates for OT? I know they used to, but not sure since Bison took over.
  6. aramil248

    aramil248 Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    I haven't been with them since around last October. So no idea how things are now. I'm currently with R F Chamberland
    Moving Forward Thanks this.
  7. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    Robbie D. Wood (RDW) based in Dolomite Alabama has recently mandated driver facing cameras at ALL terminals for ALL trucks. This includes any O/O or LP trucks. These cameras have A/I capabilities that can detect if you pick up your cell phone while the truck is in motion and sends an automatic alert to the safety department. The cameras can also apparently detect if you are drowsy or distracted.
    My understanding is that nobody can actively monitor the cameras while you are driving or at any other time. They can only look at the recordings of a specific snapshot or timeframe.
  8. free spirited1

    free spirited1 Heavy Load Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Quit immediately if you can and take other drivers with you. Ya deserve better!
  9. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    I'm pretty happy here to be honest. The camera issue is one of those things that I am on the fence about. I can understand their benefits in being able to investigate accidents etc. If what they say is true, that they cannot actively monitor the cameras, then I am ok with it, but I am not convinced 100% that they don't do this. I personally believe that the main reason is to prevent cell phone use while driving. What I find odd is that there is absolutely no mention of using a CB mic. Isnt that kinda the same thing? It is still a moment of distraction to reach for the CB mic, or adjust the CB volume, etc? The next thing you know they will want to outlaw CB use while driving.....not that too many drivers use them these days anyway.
  10. free spirited1

    free spirited1 Heavy Load Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    I know another female where mgmt was peeking at her driver facing cameras at all sorts of hrs, fortunately he was caught n fired
  11. Knightcrawler

    Knightcrawler Road Train Member

    Apr 10, 2017
    Mpls, Mn oops Ocala, Fl.
    The really odd thing is, as far as I can tell, it isnt illegal to have an unfolded map laying over your steering wheel and trying to figure out where to go but to glance at a GPS - because its an electronic device is illegal.

    Im glad Im old and wont have to deal with stupid laws much longer.
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