CR England journal

Discussion in 'CR England' started by fordmd45, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. veeva757

    veeva757 Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Portsmouth, VA
    How's that Smithfield dedicated run.
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  3. surfbumb77

    surfbumb77 Bobtail Member

    May 18, 2011
    Rockford, IL
    I was just offered CDL training from CR Englund and I am seriously considering it. Any advice before I accept. Warnings? Since you have been driving for them for a while, I figured maybe you might be able to share some tips to surviving the training period. You seem like you enjoy working for them.
  4. snowbird_89

    snowbird_89 Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2009
    I HIGHLY recommend you apply with better companies first. Try Rhoel and Millis Transfer.
  5. 77_SG

    77_SG Bobtail Member

    May 3, 2011
    houston, tx
    I must agree. Been there, did their training. Save yourself a lot of grief and frustration, look elsewhere.
  6. FresnoKen

    FresnoKen Bobtail Member

    May 27, 2011
    Kansas City, MO
    When I read about people who get fired or dismissed for falling asleep in class, had a DUI they failed to disclose and it is found later, did not show up for work because they needed a personal day which they were denied for, had several incident/ accidents.... I have a difficult time deciphering what exactly is the real problem with CRE (or any company for that matter). It sounds more like a problem with a bitter employee.

    Please correct me if I am wrong and set me in the right direction. But please understand credibility diminishes if your story begins or ends with anything similar to " I fell asleep in class", "I had to file an incident report because I clipped another truck while backing up and then I took a door off the hinges at the loading dock", "I lied on my application and they found out", or "I didn't show up for work".

    One last thing I think becomes important when taking all things into consideration..... people who are disgruntled or bitter tend to be the ones who find a way to complain and let the world know.... people who are happy or at least content, tend not to write about it or are on a mission to "let the world know". For example, millions still decide to go to McDonalds every day even when they have other choices next door.... but you will find tons of "complaints" and stories of how McDonalds is the worst food in America or the worst company to work for. Rarely do you find a post or article on how someone "loves" eating at McDonalds or how it is a wonderful after school job.

    I would really like to gather some opinions based on "facts" from people currently employed with companies such as Swift, CRE, USA Truck, and/or PAM and who went through the driving schools. And the opinions of people who left these companies would be helpful too but not just the ones who washed out because they sound like complete idiots or losers.
    corneileous, uglydave and Mrfasttrack Thank this.
  7. veeva757

    veeva757 Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Portsmouth, VA
    News Flash!!!!! Just Got Back for School....The place is not for everyone. You must follow checklist. Don't come without money...Sorry to say...if you do...bring food. Don't spend money for smokes over food. Don't come with high blood pressure. Don't come if you been using will get caught 99% of the time. Don't come with bad job history. Don't come if you have a bad MVR...if you didn't tell recruiter. Don't come if you spending your last savings. I'm trying to save you from really getting angry at yourself and CREngland. Its not for everyone. Yes they do hire alot of newbies and experience drivers. But Its sad to see people get angry, when in fact they were the cause.
  8. pontoon24

    pontoon24 Bobtail Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    glendale, Arizona
    Was looking at CR England as well. Are they really that bad? seems like alot of bad things have been said about quite a few companies from what I have read. What is their agility test? went thru a physical with Knight that had some weight lifting type stuff. How do they work their dispatching? was told you take the truck home when you are off and they dispatch you from there? Thanks in advance to all
  9. bamamac

    bamamac Medium Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    Always remember that companies like England, Swift, USA, Werner, and others are starter companies. Just pick the one you feel the most comfortable with.
    uglydave Thanks this.
  10. jasper_truck86

    jasper_truck86 Light Load Member

    Sep 9, 2009
    I went to school with England in Dallas and drove for them for 3 months. The schooling is hurried and only meant to help you pass the state CDL test. You are supposed to learn how to drive with your trainer; however, too many "trainers" are inexperienced drivers who only want the team miles that come with being a trainer. That's how my P1 was. If I asked questions, he laughed. I had never driven a truck until I went to England. Held my breath through P1 and got with a great guy for P2. He taught me more in less time than the first guy ever dreamed. Yes, he needed my miles but he actually wanted to teach me something. I should have stayed with him and ran teams but I let them talk me into a lease even though I really didn't want to but I am the one who signed the darn thing. In 4 weeks never made more than $2 except for the beginning when they didn't take the truck payment out. I turned in my truck at Burns Harbor and rode a Greyhound home. I know I should have tried to stick it out but I have 3 kids to feed and never got more than 1,700 miles in any given week. I had a student but I quickly realized I didn't know enough to teach him anything and he leased his own truck. I should have picked up another student and run teams but I bailed. I now work for a solid company who took a chance on me and I make good money. It's not the best company in the world but I make solid checks every week as a company driver and I go home every 8-10 days. I am not going to down England but I will say this... If you don't mind not getting home much and sticking to the team format, you can make it on the lease but it was just too much for me to take on at one time. Like I said, I should have stayed in P2 and teamed and continued to learn but the grass sure did look greener from my P2 trainer's truck. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
  11. lifesafight

    lifesafight Light Load Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    East Orange, NJ
    I'm starting all over again. I did a refresher with England back in 07. I lucked out and got on a dedicated run in my area. I made 950 a week and was home daily. I had one off day every other week. I lived in New York City at the time and there is a law against over night parking of trucks on the street. I had to take the tractor home and the police and traffic enforcement agents were ticketing me. These tickets for about $100 or more each. I think I had about 4 or 5. I spoke to my supervisors about this and they did nothing. I ended up quitting and I could have went about it in a better way. I could have tried another company. I did not want to go OTR with England because I have small children. Anyway here I am three years later. I applied to England and they sent me a bus ticket. I start class on Monday. I know things have changed. Back then they were pressuring people to lease and I was one of the few who refused. What are my options now? I heard if you don't lease they force you to team. I don't mind the team just to get the experience again but there is n o way I will lease. I hear they hire relief drivers. Exactly what do they do and do they ever get home? Are there any other driving options for me at England. I don't think remaining a second seat would be too great but I just trying to get some experience under my belt. I would like to stay at least six months. I totally refuse to lease. I really hate that I have to go back there but I don't think any one else would take me. I've been rejected too many times. I feel like I have a date with the devil.:evil:

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